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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Most men," he said, "felt gaspy in Turkish baths, and weak ones were alarmed lest they should get suffocated beyond recovery; but strong men rather enjoy themselves in 'em than otherwise." "Hah!" exclaimed the imp, "may I wentur' to ax, Capp'n, wot's the effect on boys?" To this the Captain replied that he didn't exactly know, never having heard of boys taking Turkish baths.

You are determined to invest these savings of yours in the common stock, are you? 'If I hadn't been determined to make that wentur, sir, answered Mr Tapley, 'I shouldn't have come. 'How much is there here, did you say' asked Martin, holding up a little bag. 'Thirty-seven pound ten and sixpence. The Savings' Bank said so at least. I never counted it.

Weller, senior, with much solemnity in his manner; 'there never was a nicer woman as a widder, than that 'ere second wentur o' mine a sweet creetur she was, Sammy; all I can say on her now, is, that as she was such an uncommon pleasant widder, it's a great pity she ever changed her condition. She don't act as a vife, Sammy. 'Don't she, though? inquired Mr. Weller, junior. The elder Mr.

I was almost afraid you'd given it up: in which case I should have made a personal wentur. Hallo! Uttering this exclamation in a tone of great surprise, as his eyes rested on Oliver, Mr. Toby Crackit brought himself into a sitting posture, and demanded who that was. 'The boy. Only the boy! replied Sikes, drawing a chair towards the fire.

"That's exactly what yer father would say to you, miss, if he was alongside of us `You can't help me by sacrificin' of yerself. Then, p'r'aps he would foller up that obsarvation by sayin', `but you may an' can help me if you go wi' that sailor-friend o' mine, who may be rough and ready, but is sartinly true-blue, who knows the coast hereaway an' all its hidin'-places, an' who'll wentur his life to do me a good turn, cause why?

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