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But Kernel Cob turned his head away, for brave people are always modest and cannot bear to hear themselves praised. Later in the day Wak Wak took them to a friend of his, a pack-dog that he knew. A fine chap he was, and when he had heard our little friends' story, he was very willing to help them. "If you can rig up a sled I'll take you to the North Pole, and very gladly."

Gervase of Tilbury would probably have treated the wild story of Hasan's adventures in the islands of Wák as what it is; but he tells us he has seen and conversed with women who had been captives to the Dracs beneath the waters of the Rhone, while a relative of his own had married a genuine descendant of the serpent-lady of that castle in the valley of Trets.

Now the islands of Wák were seven islands, wherein was a mighty host, all virgin girls, and the inner isles were peopled by satans and marids and warlocks and various tribesmen of the Jinn, and whoso entered their land never returned thence; and Hasan's wife was one of the king's daughters. To reach her he would have to cross seven wadys and seven seas and seven mighty mountains.

"We're looking for Jackie and Peggs' motheranfather," answered Kernel Cob, "and we believe they are up here near the North Pole. Are we far away from it?" "About a hundred miles or so," said Wak Wak, for that was the cub's name. "Goodness," said Sweetclover, "how are we ever going to walk so far in this dreadful cold."

If he does not tak them t' others will, so we had raither that they go to the good cause. Here, Miles, do you wak the labourers, and zee that they throw the potato store wi' the spinach and the dried meats into the waggons wi' all speed. 'Then we had best set about our part of the contract, said Hector Marot.

"Whisky in the JAR," the driver sang to himself shifting through gears. "Musharingumgoogee . . . WAK for the Daddy-O . . . " He turned and shouted over the engine, "Where you coming from?" "Wiesbaden." "Germany?" "Yes," Patrick shouted back. "WAK for the Daddy-O . . . Good beer, the Krauts." They flew off bumps and jolted around curves for five or six miles. Conversation was impossible.

Thus "b" became "bub," "d" "dud," "m" "mum," and so forth, except that "c" was "suk," "h" "hash," "x" "zux," and "w" "wak." The sample given by the new boy, "sus-hash-u-tut u-pup yak-o-u-rur mum-o-u-tut-hash," was said to be a mode of enjoining silence. This language was "awful useful," the new boy said, to keep the other fellows from knowing what you were saying, which it certainly did.

'Wakken up, mother, he'd say; 'mother, it's time to wakken up! Eh, mony a time I fancy I can hear the little voice when I wak' up now, i' this dark dirty place. I keep my e'en shut, an' hark at the birds chirrupin', an' think o' the little hand pluckin' at the sheet, an' the little voice.

"If you'll come to my cubby hole," said Wak Wak, "we can sit down and talk it over. It's not far." So they came to his cubby hole, they went inside and it was nice and warm and comfortable. "You must stay the night with me," he said. So he covered them over with some pieces of fur and they all went to sleep.

So they went with him, and Jackie Tar found them very good indeed, and in a short while had tied them together. So they hopped on, sitting one behind the other, Sweetclover in the middle, and waving good-bye to Wak Wak, they soon were gliding over the ice at a great clip. Over the ice they went like lightning, drawn by the pack-dog, Speed.