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He looked doubtful, but accepted. "Aho! And that Voban, he would have had his hand in," he growled. I began to get more light. "She was shut up at Chateau Bigot hand of iron and lock of steel who knows the rest! But Voban was for always," he added presently. The thing was clear. The Scarlet Woman was Mathilde. So here was the end of Voban's little romance of the fine linen from Ste.

My little friend the mouse saw them also, and scampered from the bread it had been eating, away among the corn, through which my footsteps had now made two rectangular paths, not disregarded by Gabord, who solicitously pulled Voban into the narrow track, that he should not trespass on my harvest.

"It is much to have you treat my kiss with consequence." March 25. No news of Robert all this month. Gabord has been away in Montreal. I see Voban only now and then, and he is strange in manner, and can do nothing. Mathilde is better so still and desolate, yet not wild; but her memory is all gone, all save for that "Francois Bigot is a devil."

"Then you shall go to citadel," said he, feeling for his small trumpet. "No, no," I answered; "I'll go fetch Voban." "To bleed me more!" quoth he whimsically; and I knew well he was pleased that I did not leave him. "Nay, kick against yon door. It is Captain Lancy's." At that moment a window opened, and Lancy's voice was heard.

The other was Voban. I knew that though Voban might not act, he would not betray me. But how to reach either of them? It was clear that I must bide my chances.

He made no trial thereafter to interrupt our talk, but sat and drummed upon a stool with his keys, or loitered at the window, or now and again thrust his hand into my pockets, as if to see if weapons were concealed in them. "Voban," said I, "what has happened since I saw you at the Intendance? Tell me first of mademoiselle. You have nothing from her for me?" "Nothing," he answered.

So I spoke to Gabord. "Voban! Voban!" said he. "Does dickey-bird play at peacock still? Well, thou shalt see Voban. Thou shalt go trimmed to heaven aho!" Presently I asked him if he would bear a message to the Governor, asking permission for the Seigneur Duvarney to visit me, if he were so inclined.

Such gentlemen as my father were not asked; only the roisterers and hard drinkers, and gambling friends of the Intendant. You would know the sort of upspring it would be. Well, I was sitting in my window, looking down into the garden; for the moon was shining. Presently I saw a man appear below, glance up towards me, and beckon. It was Voban.

Again the jailer hurried Voban; There was no excuse for him to remain longer; so I gave him a message to Alixe, and slipped into his hand a transcript from my journal. Then he left me, and I sat and thought upon the strange events of the evening which he had described to me. That he was bent on mischief I felt sure, but how it would come, what were his plans, I could not guess.

'And what's the matter, my Voban? 'My God, I say at him now, 'I thought you are Bigot! I point to the floor. 'Powder! I whisper. "His eyes go like fire so terrible; he look to the window, take a quick angry step to me, but stand still. Then he point to the window.