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And when one does, one's vingers run away with one." "You a farmer?" "At Pennington Varm. My name's Trivett, miss. If ever you would come in to tea, Mrs Trivett would be proud to welcome 'ee." "I should be delighted. Perhaps, if you would like to teach me, I'd have organ lessons." "I get so little time, miss. What day will 'ee come to the varm?" "Next Saturday, if I may," "That's zettled.

"'Twude be a turble gude job var 'ee tu git a yusband. But doan't 'ee make tu shar on 'un, Miss Zairy. 'Un du zay as him be turble vond on yu, and as yu du be playing vast and loose wi' he. That's the ways a young maid du go on, and zo the young man du slip thru' 'un's vingers." "Yes, Jack," said Sarah, with unwonted meekness.

I used to look up at the sky and mind me o' them words in the Bible, 'When I conzider the heavens, the work o' Thy vingers and the stars which Thou hast made, what is man that Thou art mindful of him? One do feel oncommon small in them trenches at night." "I suppose you've had a hot time up there?" "Ah that I have. And I zeed some bad things." "Bad?" "Cruel, sir, mortal cruel, I be maning.

"Yell, boys, that vas vat I wondered, when sudden I seed two legs a-stickin' up out o' the crowd a long vay off, just like these two vingers, d'ye see, and I knewed they vas Bob's legs, seein' that 'e 'ad kind o' yellow small clothes vid blue ribbons vich blue vas 'is colour at the knee.

'Jarlie Prown is Glautia Pelmond, said Darco. 'She has kebt her initials. C stands for Glautia, just as veil as it stands for Jarlie; and P stands both for Prown and Pelmond. She has ruint as many men as she has does and vingers. It is no pusiness of mine. Co your vays, you silly itiot 'Id is your dime of life to be an itiot, and it is my dime of life to laugh at you.

'I have often noticed, observed the landlord, 'that volks who have come to grief, and quite failed, have the rules how to succeed in life more at their vingers' ends than volks who have succeeded. I assure you that Sir William, so full as he is of wise maxims, never acted upon a wise maxim in his life, until he had lost everything, and it didn't matter whether he was wise or no.

Dis girl, I have heard, has money which would come to de old man in case of her death. It is as plain as de vingers on my hand." "Be George, the thing looks very ugly!" said the major, pacing up and down the room. "I believe that fellow and his beauty of a son are game for anything. Lavinia takes the mather too lightly.