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A small bush about 2 feet high, of neat growth, with small leaves, and pink or white flowers that are solitary at the branch ends. R. VILLOSA. Downy Rose. This species is of erect bushy growth, with the leaflets softly downy on both sides. Flowers white or pale pink, succeeded by globular fruits, that are more or less covered with fine hair or prickles. ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS. Common Rosemary.

Hyena villosa, or "hairy hyena," is better, as the long, straight hair falling down his sides gives him a peculiar aspect, and at once distinguishes him from any of the others. He is equally as large and fierce as any, being of the size of a Saint Bernard mastiff, but it is difficult to imagine how any one could mistake him for either a striped or spotted hyena.

On a RECONNOISSANCE I traversed the continuation of the range, which I found to be of a flat, sandy, and rotten character, having, with the exception of the Blackbutt, all the trees and other characteristics of the sandstone country of Moreton Bay: Xylomelum, Xanthorrhaea, Zamia, Leptospermum, a new species of forest oak, which deserves the name of Casuarina VILLOSA, for its bark looks quite villous; Persoonia falcata, R. Br., a small tree about fifteen feet high, with stiff glaucous falcate leaves, and racemose inflorescence; a dwarf Persoonia, with linear leaves, the stringy-bark, and a species of Melaleuca along the creek.

"Is it not enough that you leech me of good marks of such a quantity that you may ever after wear mantles of villosa and feast on simnel bread and malmsey, that you must needs burden me still further with the affliction of thy vile tongue? "Hast thou the clothes ready bundled and the key, also, to this gate to perdition?

HEDGE-HOREHOUND. The whole herb is said to dye a yellow colour. THALICTRUM flavum. YELLOW MEADOW-RUE. The roots and leaves both give out a fine yellow colour. THAPSIA villosa. DEADLY CARROT. The umbels are employed by the spanish peasants to dye yellow. TORMENTILLA erecta. ERECT TORMENTIL. This root is red, and might probably be usefully employed. TRIFOLIUM pratense.

Mercurius, on account of two wing-shaped appendages, attached to the neck-corselet. Sixteen Carabicides were found belonging to the Calosoma, Pæcilus, Harpalus, Trechus, Dromius, and Peryphus. We were surprised at finding so few dung-beetles. We met with only two large ones, namely, the Megathopa villosa of Esch.

My booty comprises two species of Lamellicorns: Anoxia villosa and Euchlora Julii, both of whom I find in the perfect state, usually dead, but sometimes alive. I obtain a few of their nymphs, a great piece of luck, for the larval skin which accompanies them will serve me as a standard of comparison. I come upon plenty of larvae, of all ages.

He arose and as he started to leave the room he took one last look at the Girl to see if he could detect anything he could suggest for her comfort, and read a message in her eyes. Instantly there was an answering flash in his. "I'll be back in a minute," he said. "I just noticed discorea villosa has the finest rattle boxes formed. I've been waiting to show you.

This is a desirable species, that forms a stout bush or small tree, with oblong, reticulately-veined leaves, and erect, dense panicles of white flowers, that are sometimes lilac tinged. The flowers are strongly scented, and borne in great profusion late in the season. There is a variegated form, S. Emodi variegata, and another named S. Emodi villosa, both good varieties. Japan.

The common dog-rose of England is furnished with glands on the stipules, and in other species they are more numerous, until in the wild Rosa villosa of the northern counties the leaves are thickly edged, and the fruit and sepals covered with stalked glands. I have only observed the wild roses in the north of England, and there I have never seen insects attending the glands.