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Between two precipitous hills little peaks with bare summits known as the great and the little Rouxey in the heart of a ravine where the torrents from the heights, with the Dent de Vilard at their head, come tumbling to join the lovely upper waters of the Doubs, Watteville had a huge dam constructed, leaving two cuttings for the overflow.

And, therefore, to avoid all worry, I should wish to come to a friendly understanding as to my border line on this side of the Dent de Vilard, and I will then raise a wall." "If you give way to the municipality, it will swallow you up. You ought to have threatened Riceys." "That is just what I told the master last evening," said Modinier.

"I do not know what ails her," said the Baron. "When fathers do not know what ails their daughters, mothers can guess," said the Baroness; "we must get her married." "I am quite willing," said the Baron. "I shall give her les Rouxey now that the Court has settled our quarrel with the authorities of Riceys by fixing the boundary line at three hundred feet up the side of the Dent de Vilard.

One reason for the superiority of French figure sculpture in the thirteenth century, over that existing in other countries, is that the French used models. There has been preserved the sketch book of a mediæval French architect, Vilard de Honcourt, which is filled with studies from life: and why should we suppose him to be the only one who worked in this way?

"I would seek, were I you, in the Holy Land," said one pious man. While still another thought so holy a thing would never be permitted to go so far as England and that the knight's search was fruitless. From Rome Sir Galahad went north to Lombardy in search of news of Sir Vilard. Long was his search here but not hopeless.

Nor will I blame you or hold you, if after my story is done, you find no way in which you can help me. "Listen then and you will see why I count this storm as sign of hope sent to me." Lady Jeanne's Story Two years will it be next month when the Duke of Gascony with fifty knights went forth on a quest that would take them to far Eastern lands. Of these fifty, Sir Vilard, my husband, was one.

"My dear father," said Rosalie, as they got into the boat again, "I agree with Modinier. If you wish to secure the joint possession of the Dent de Vilard, you must act with decision, and get a legal opinion which will protect you against this enterprising Chantonnit. Why should you be afraid?

Some difficulties have arisen since 1830 between the village authorities of Riceys and me, on account of this very Dent de Vilard, and I want to settle the matter without your mother's knowing anything about it, for she is stubborn; she is capable of flinging fire and flames broadcast, particularly if she should hear that the Mayor of Riceys, a republican, got up this action as a sop to his people."

The lake was about six acres in breadth, in some places ten or twelve, and four hundred in length. Rosalie soon found herself at the upper end shut in by the Dent de Vilard, the Jungfrau of that little Switzerland. "Here we are, Monsieur le Baron," said Modinier, signing to the gardeners to tie up the boat; "will you come and look?" "Look at what?" asked Rosalie.

Rosalie had presence of mind enough to disguise her delight, so as to work more effectually on her father. "What action?" said she. "Mademoiselle, the people of Riceys," said Modinier, "have long enjoyed the right of grazing and cutting fodder on their side of the Dent de Vilard.