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But this ferocious old man was so widely dreaded, that so long as he lived no claim was urged by the inhabitants of Riceys, the little village on the further side of the Dent de Vilard.

When the Baron died, he left the slopes of the two Rouxey hills joined by a strong wall, to protect from inundation the two lateral valleys opening into the valley of Rouxey, to the right and left at the foot of the Dent de Vilard. Thus he died the master of the Dent de Vilard. His heirs asserted their protectorate of the village of Riceys, and so maintained the usurpation.

"But in confirmation of that view I proposed that he should come to see whether, on this side of the Dent or on the other, there may not be, high or low, some traces of an enclosure." For a century the Dent de Vilard had been used by both parties without coming to extremities; it stood as a sort of party wall between the communes of Riceys and les Rouxey, yielding little profit.

The Lady Jeanne was radiant with the happiness which had returned after seeming desertion. "We owe you much, Sir Galahad," said Sir Vilard, "so very much that it is beyond repayment." "Mine and Sir Launcelot's was the joy of service, my lord. That you must well understand." When they reached Normandy, Charles was given a happy reception.

When the Baron de Watteville thus obtained the lake above his dam he was owner of the two hills, but not of the upper valley thus flooded, through which there had been at all times a right-of-way to where it ends in a horseshoe under the Dent de Vilard.

For I shall bring or send you word of Sir Vilard, good or bad." "I shall never cease to hope, Sir Galahad. And I shall pray for you, each day until you return." Facing the East So then the trio turned toward the East seeking but never finding that all elusive Grail which seemed ever ahead of them.