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Apparently he was by no means certain which of the words were nouns, and which verbs, and as to the relations which they sustained to other words in the sentence he appeared to have very little conception. At length the recitation was over.

The distinction of verbs and participles into active and passive, which is found in all languages, must have been originally intended to distinguish what is really active from what is merely passive; and in all languages, we find active verbs applied to those objects, in which, according to the Abbé Raynal’s observation, savages suppose a soul.

The superior hesitated, as if she found great difficulty in making this act of love, but at length she said "Quem adoras?" This mistake, which no sixth-form boy would make, gave rise to bursts of laughter in the church; and Daniel Douin, the provost's assessor, was constrained to say aloud "There's a devil for you, who does not know much about transitive verbs."

We imagine, to begin with, that all "verbs" are inherently concerned with action as such, that a "noun" is the name of some definite object or personality that can be pictured by the mind, that all qualities are necessarily expressed by a definite group of words to which we may appropriately apply the term "adjective."

I knew her mental processes, so I refused to carry any of her properties; besides, the pirate had used a good many irregular verbs in his conversation, and upon due reflection I was a trifle nervous about the true nature of the bargain. The Yverdon station fronted on a great open common dotted with a few trees.

In the first were nouns and adjectives together; in the second nouns and verbs; in the third adverbs, pronouns, numerals and prepositions; in the fourth remarks about things in the school; in the fifth about things in the house; in the sixth about things in the town; in the seventh some moral maxims. And the scholar went through this book ten times before he passed on to the "Janua" proper.

It is one of the great diffuculties of the language to learn how to use such double words correctly. The following are some examples: The Lynngam dialect differs so much from the standard Khasi that some remarks regarding the former will not be out of place. Dr. Some of the commonest verbs vary considerably from those used in the standard dialect.

The Promptorium, the name of which has now become a household word to students of the history of English, is a vocabulary containing some 10,000 words substantives, adjectives, and verbs with their Latin equivalents, which, as edited by Mr. Albert Way for the Camden Society in 1865, makes a goodly volume.

She had that way with her at school and then it would have hurt me, if I had not been perfectly conscious of the fact that she couldn't tell the difference between nouns and verbs in Latin and got gender and case and tense all mixed up. "Yes, Mumsy, I'm going to Buck Hill and clear about five dollars, even though I may have to take a good snubbing.

I started writing what they told me to write about, the things that was around me, with a lot of lessons about how you can't use the same word twice on one page, and how terrible bad it is to use too many passive verbs." "What's a passive verb, Bill?" "I didn't never figure it out, exactly. However, it seems like they're something that slows you up the way a muddy road slows up a hoss.