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Even this was heard by me, O sire, from Rishis of cultured soul talking in their assembly, of Vasudeva, that ancient one. And O thou that art well-versed in scriptures, I heard this from Rama, the son of Jamadagni, and Markandeya of great wisdom, and Vyasa and Narada also.

Beholding the Asura, Vasudeva stood with his weapon upraised, ready to smite him down, seeing the discus uplifted and Agni pursuing from behind to burn him, Maya said 'Run to me, O Arjuna, and protect me! Hearing his affrighted voice Arjuna said, 'Fear not! That voice of Arjuna, O Bharata, seemed to give Maya his life.

Indeed, when thou wilt see the Kuru host levelled to the ground by Bhima, like a large forest torn up by the roots, then wilt thou remember these my words." Vaisampayana continued, "Having said this unto all those rulers of the earth, the king addressing Sanjaya again, asked him as follows." "Dhritarashtra said, 'Tell me, O thou of great wisdom, what high-souled Vasudeva and Dhananjaya said.

Formerly, when we were about to set out of Hastinapore for the woods, O thou of agreeable features, it was thou who, reciting to us the story of Vidula's instructions to her son, excited us to exertion. It behoves thee not to abandon us now. Having slain the kings of Earth, I have won sovereignty, guided by thy words of wisdom communicated through Vasudeva.

They are commanded by Karna and devoted to Duhsasana. Even Vasudeva applauds them as great car-warriors. Always solicitous of Karna's welfare, they are obedient to him.

Then, O king, mayest thou hope to live for some time with thy younger brothers."" "Vasudeva said, 'Though thus addressed by Bhishma, and Drona, and Vidura, and Gandhari, and Dhritarashtra, that wicked wight could not yet be brought to his senses. Impelled by Fate, those monarchs then, with their soldiers, gladly set out, making Bhishma their generalissimo.

Nevertheless, I cannot give Kunda into Debendra's hand; the thought of it torments me. Rather I will so manage that she shall not fall in his way. How shall I effect that? I will place Kunda where she was before, thus she will escape him. Whether he dress as Boisnavi or Vasudeva, he will not obtain admission into that house; therefore it will be well to take Kunda back there. But she will not go!

Secondly the Bhâgavata Purâṇa says that in the Kali age the worshippers of Nârâyaṇa will be numerous in the Dravidian country, though in other parts found only here and there, and that those who drink the water of the Kaveri and other southern rivers will mostly be devotees of Vâsudeva. This passage must have been written after a Vishnuite movement had begun in the Dravidian country.

"'Vasudeva continued, "Then Satyavati brought forth a son in Bhrigu's race who was devoted to penances and characterised by tranquil pursuits, viz., Jamadagni of regulated vows. Kusika's son Gadhi begot a son named Viswamitra. Jamadagni begot a son of fierce deeds. The foremost of men, that son mastered the sciences, including the science of arms.

"Thus, O king, did Nakula subjugate the countries that lay to the west the direction that is presided over by the god Varuna, and that had once before been subjugated by Vasudeva himself!"