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Updated: August 10, 2024

I am pretty well exhausted now and, as I have got another twenty-mile tramp before I sleep, you may guess that I shall be glad of solid and liquid refreshment." "You shall have both, my dear boy. We had all given you up for dead. When we saw you washed down, we were afraid that you were lost.

It's the strip of channel that makes Setuckit Beach an island, you know. The gov'ment has had engineers down dredgin' of it out, and pretty soon fish boats'll be able to save the twenty-mile sail around the P'int and into Orham Harbor at all hours. "Well, to make a long story short, I agreed to let him cart me to Setuckit P'int in that everlastin' gas carryall.

That twenty-mile ride in Burke Ranger's high cart, with a pair of skittish young horses pulling at the reins, was an experience never to be eradicated from Sylvia's memory. They followed a course across the veldt that began as a road and after a mile or two deteriorated into a mere rough track. Up and down many slopes they travelled, but the far hills never seemed to draw any nearer.

"Now, Davies, just keep them so," he ordered, as he rode diagonally over in front of the first platoon, "while I gallop ahead and get a peep over that ridge." Another minute and, curveting with impatience even after their twenty-mile spurt, the handsome bays were dancing in one long line over the springy turf, Davies and two stalwart sergeants in front of the three platoons.

A few carts were met as they drove along. The farmer knew some of the drivers and pulled up to say a few words to them. After a twenty-mile drive they stopped at another farm, where their friend's introduction ensured them as cordial a welcome as that upon the preceding evening.

"It would be strange," he said, "if our good farmer prepared for a twenty-mile drive without taking along something to eat." "And please see that he is comfortable," she said. "I know these are war times, but we are treating him hardly." Prescott laughed. "You shouldn't feel any remorse," he said. "Our worthy Elias was never more snug in his life.

We are the forlorn creatures who have no resources. Won't you please take us in?" "Take you in! What do you take us for? I assure you we are very simple, honest people." "In that case I shall have no fears, but clamber in at once. I feel as if I had been on a twenty-mile tramp." "What an implied compliment to our exhilarating society!" "Indeed there is a very strong one.

My scouts kept me well posted in regard to the movements of both camps and herds; and a favorable opportunity presenting itself, I sent an expedition on August 14 to gather in some animals located on Twenty-Mile Creek, a stream always supplied with water from a source of never-failing, springs.

Yet when this has been said, it remains true that Shakspere's atmosphere is wholesome and even invigorating. We are helped in our higher life by many influences besides direct moral teaching. One takes a twenty-mile tramp over moor and mountain, and no word of admonition or guidance comes from rock or tree, but he comes back stronger and serener.

The boys, as a rule, looked very much like lithe grayhounds, for your natural runner is light of body, and can course along like the wind. Still, this applies more to short-distance sprinters than those whose specialty is endurance in a fifteen- or twenty-mile race. Several of the fellows were quite muscular in build, and gave evidence of a grim determination such as the bulldog possesses.

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