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It is a hard life; and the thirst for adventure which drove this boy 'il più matto di tutta la famiglia' to adopt it, seems well-nigh quenched. And still, with a return to Giulio Verne, he talked enthusiastically of deserting, of getting on board a merchant ship, and working his way to southern islands where wonders are. A furious blast swept the whole sky for a moment almost clear.

On 26th November he heard Mass for the last time in S. Maria del Fiore, and on the 28th he departed si partì el Re di Firenze dopo desinare, e andò albergo alla Certosa e tutta sua gente gli andò dietro e innanzi, che poche ce ne rimase, says Landucci thankfully.

Insegna a continuare con sapienza cio che e stato intrapreso per leggerezza, piega l'animo ad abbracciare con propensione cio che e stato imposto dalla prepotenza, e da ad un elezione che fu temeraria, ma che e irrevocabile, tutta la santita, tutto il consiglio, diciamolo pur francamenta, tutte le gioje della vocazione.

A most graceful walk. In short, a persona tutta simpatica. As for the head magnificent hair, blonde, which for choice I would always prefer the true Titian sun-tinged auburn, a telling eye, finely formed nose, and mouth of inexpressible sweetness!" "Per Bacco, Signor Ercole, a Phoenix indeed! A Diva davvero!" said the Marchese.

'Le Egloghe del Boccaccio, says an Italian critic, 'rappresentano tutta la vita psicologica del poeta, dalle febbri d'amore alle febbri ascetiche. The amorous eclogues, to which in later life Boccaccio attached little importance, are early; several are historical in subject and are probably of later date, though one may be as early as 1348; there are others of a religions nature which belong to the author's later years.

Ridele attorno tutta la foresta, E quanto può sue cure disacerba. Nell' atto regalmente è mansueta; E pur col ciglio le tempeste acqueta." Here at last we see the greatest, the most personal artist of the fifteenth century really at his best, in that fortunate moment of half-pensive joy which was so soon to pass away.

At Florence I was afraid of being snow-bound in the sunny South. For, long and heavily, though the London meteorologists registered sunshine, Cadeva dal cielo la neve Con tutta la sua quiete. This perfect description of snowfall which I found rudely chalked on the wall of a Venetian alley could never have been conceived in the Italy of popular imagination.

"Quando si guarda a quella corretta eleganza di profili e di proporzioni, a quella squisitezza d'ornamenti, a quel certo sapore antico che senza ombra d' imitazione traspareda tutta l' opera" &c. "Sopra ornatissimo zoccolo fornito di squisiti intagli s' alza uno stylobate" &c.

Ariosto is right in saying that the dark side of our mortal life predominates, so full it is of this evil: questa assai più oscura che serena Vita mortal, tutta d'invidia piena. For envy is the moving spirit of that secret and informal, though flourishing, alliance everywhere made by mediocrity against individual eminence, no matter of what kind.

The work of Trevisan appeared in 1504 under the title, Libretto di tutta la navigazione del re di Spagna de le isole et terreni novamente trovati. Published by Albertino Vercellese da Lisbona. Three years later, in 1507, a compilation containing parts of this same work was printed at Vicenza by Fracanzio, at Milan by Arcangelo Madrignano in 1508, and at Basle and Paris by Simon Gryneo.