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The conductor of the trolley-car, which they hailed at the street corner, stopped it and got off the platform, and stood in the street until they were safely aboard, without telling them to step lively, or pulling them up the steps; or knuckling them in the back to make them move forward.

For my own purposes, it is not less acceptable, however, when the fog has come in from the sea like a visible reverie, and blurred the whole valley with its whiteness. I find that particularly good to look at from the trolley-car which visits and revisits the river before finally leaving it, with a sort of desperation, and hiding its passion with a sudden plunge into the woods.

She had no sooner embarked upon the big Interurban trolley-car which was to take her to Mercerton than her attention was wholly diverted from uneasy reflections by the unexpected appearance of two of the house-party guests.

Uncle Henry told Archie to follow him carefully, and they, too, were soon flying away from the neighbourhood of the terminal, past hotels, stores, and dwellings, until they finally left the trolley-car, and passed through a cross street into a long, quiet thoroughfare which looked old enough to have been there for a hundred years.

Besides, I'm too restless to keep still. Saturday afternoons and Sundays are tough to get through with, just now." "I shall be delighted. Come home with me, and we'll start right away. I should like to see the place again, too." Fifteen minutes by trolley-car, and ten to allow for the ordering of the trap, and the two young people were driving away.

It was a sort of transfer, drawn by horses, which delivered them a little inside of the city gate to a trolley-car.

The man in the trolley-car, the woman in the rocking-chair, the clerk, the doctor, the manufacturer, most lawyers, and some ministers would, if their hearts were opened, give simply a categorical negative. They do not like poetry, or they think they do not like it; in either case with the same result. Speaking honestly, they do not like poetry. And if their reason is the old one,

"I am inventing a machine that will make a noise like a trolley-car and a smell like a sewer. That will add the last touch in city refinements." When the laugh over Linder's invention had subsided Murdoch broached another. "The office work is becoming pretty heavy, Mr. Grant, and I'm none too confident in the help I have. Now if I could send for Miss Bruce "

It was a sort of transfer, drawn by horses, which delivered them a little inside. of the city gate to a trolley-car.

He walked blocks; took a trolley-car; got off to buy a strong cigar; took the next trolley that came along; was carried across the Fifty-ninth Street bridge to Long Island. At the eighth or tenth stop he hurried out of the car just as it was starting again.