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The hypothesis would instantly have been withdrawn if any one had continued looking after the fleeing bride long enough to see her, regardless of passers-by, fling herself wildly into her husband's arms as he descended from the trolley-car at the corner. Betty Sheridan was sitting in the drawing-room of her parents' house, rather moodily reading a book on the Balance of Trade.

After the trolley-car service had been re-established, my nephew and I had occasion to go into Kingston daily towards noon. On the front bench of the car there was always seated a little white boy, about nine years old, with a pile of school-books. He was a well-mannered, friendly little fellow and soon entered into conversation.

In the Minneapolis station the crowd of lumberjacks, farmers, and Swedish families with innumerous children and grandparents and paper parcels, their foggy crowding and their clamor confused her. She felt rustic in this once familiar city, after a year and a half of Gopher Prairie. She was certain that Kennicott was taking the wrong trolley-car.

Todd after the practice hour for a spin around the park. At those times I came to learn that the collision I had had with a trolley-car before Todd bought me had not left me with any constitutional defect. I still had power under my hood, and speed in my wheels. But what good were power and speed to me now? I doubted that Todd would ever push me beyond a crawl.

As may be imagined, I did little real work that day, and when I returned home at night I was on tenter-hooks lest something should go wrong; but fortunately Boswell himself came early and relieved me of my worry in fact, he was at the machine when I entered the house. "Well," he said, "have you the ten cars?" "What do you take me for," said I, "a trolley-car trust? Of course I haven't.

"And in the scratch of the pen, the pounding of the boiler shop, and the the slide and grind of the trolley-car, I suppose?" "Indeed, yes even in those. And there'll surely be melody in the closing of the door which shuts you in to solitude after this distracting day. Listen to it! Good-bye."

"Is that all? Let's go, then. We can walk back as well as to go on." "But, don't laugh, now, I feel we ought to hurry. Let's take the trolley-car, it isn't far to the line." "You sure have got a hunch! But your will is my law. Wish we were near a garage, I'm not a bit fond of Sunday trolley riding!" "I'm not either, but, Phil, you're awful good not to laugh at me."

It is true, there are electric lights and there is a trolley-car crawling around the city; but they no more make it Western and modern than a bead necklace would change the character of the Venus of Milo.

Sturgis hardly knew whether or not any of this wild dream was verity. Yet the train and later, the trolley-car continued to roll through unfamiliar country, and Mrs. Sturgis resigned herself trustfully to her son's keeping. At the Asquam Station, Hop was drawn up with his antiquated surrey. He wore a sprig of goldenrod in his buttonhole, and goldenrod bobbed over the old horse's forelock.

One heard of "Cleopatra nights" on board of yachts at Newport. There was a certain Wall Street "plunger," who had begun life as a mining man in the West; and when his customers came in town, he would hire a trolley-car, and take a load of champagne and half a dozen prostitutes, and spend the night careering about the country.