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Updated: August 8, 2024

He accordingly gave answer to the embassadors of Tomyris that he would accede to the first of her proposals. If she would draw back from the river three days' march, he would cross it with his army as soon as practicable, and then come forward and attack her. The embassadors received this message, and departed to deliver it to their queen.

When Tomyris found his body lying in a pool of human blood, she cried: 'Methinks, insatiable conqueror, thou art at last sated with blood! The troop, composed of the flower of your nobility, which you call the Immortals, drove us back and carried your father's dead body forth from our closest ranks. You led them on, fighting like a lion.

When Tomyris found his body lying in a pool of human blood, she cried: 'Methinks, insatiable conqueror, thou art at last sated with blood! The troop, composed of the flower of your nobility, which you call the Immortals, drove us back and carried your father's dead body forth from our closest ranks. You led them on, fighting like a lion.

He would glut her with wealth as, in her hour of victory, Queen Tomyris glutted dead Cyrus with the blood of men. It was an odd way of taking a revenge, and one that suited Lady Honoria admirably; but though its victim felt no sting, it gave Geoffrey much secret relief.

"Where is the Queen of Herod's kiss, And Phryne in her beauty bare; By what strange sea does Tomyris With Dido and Cassandra share Divine Proserpina's despair; The Wind has blown them all away For what poor ghost does Helen care? Where are the Girls of Yesterday? "Alas for lovers!

Spargapizes watched an opportunity to seize a weapon when he was not observed by his guards, and killed himself. His mother Tomyris, when she heard of his fate, was frantic with grief and rage. She considered Cyrus as the wanton destroyer of the peace of her kingdom and the murderer of her son, and she had now no longer any reason for restraining her thirst for revenge.

For word being sent by Tomyris their queen that Cyrus might, at his pleasure, either enter her dominions, where she would await him, or else allow her to come and meet him; and the matter being debated, Croesus, contrary to the opinion of other advisers, counselled Cyrus to go forward and meet the queen, urging that were he to defeat her at a distance from her kingdom, he might not be able to take it from her, since she would have time to repair her strength; whereas, were he to defeat her within her own dominions, he could follow her up on her flight, and, without giving her time to recover herself, deprive her of her State.

What immense latitude we are allowed! If she prove a meek, sweet cherub, a very saint in bib-aprons, with velvety eyes brown as a hazel nut, and silky chestnut ringlets, I shall gather her into my heart and coo over her as Columba, or Umilta, or Umbeline, or Una; but should we find her spoiled, and thoroughly leavened with iniquity, a blonde, yellow-haired tornado, then a proper regard for the 'unities will suggest that I vigorously enter a Christian protest, and lecture her grimly as Jezebel, Tomyris, Fulvia or Clytemnestra."

His son Darius. Cyrus's dream. Hystaspes's commission. Cyrus marches into the queen's country. Success of the stratagem. Spargapizes taken prisoner. Tomyris's concern for her son's safety. Her conciliatory message. Mortification of Spargapizes. Cyrus gives him liberty within the camp. Death of Spargapizes. Grief and rage of Tomyris. The great battle. Cyrus is defeated and slain.

He followed, in all respects, the plan of Croesus. He marched his army into the country of Tomyris, and advanced until he reached the point agreed upon. Here he stationed a feeble portion of his army, with great stores of provisions and wines, and abundance of such articles as would be prized by the barbarians as booty.

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