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"What about all this stuff?" she asks, while titivating herself; "we'd better not leave it about, it looks so untidy." "Oh, we'll soon get rid of that," he answers. "I'll have that down in a jiffy." To help him, she seizes a stick and is about to drop it. He darts forward and snatches it from her. "Don't you waste that one," he cries, "that's a rare one, that is.

But the vast majority of literary producers aim at pastry, or, worse yet, confectionery, something especially delightful and titivating to the taste. No doubt Renan himself was something of a literary epicure, but then he imposed upon himself large and serious tasks, and his work as a whole is solid and nourishing; his charm of style does not blind and seduce us.

"Ethel's just titivating." She came in. She wore a blouse and skirt and her hair was done in the European fashion. Although she had not the wild, timid grace of the girl who came down every evening to the pool, she seemed now more usual and consequently more approachable. She shook hands with Lawson. It was the first time he had touched her hand.

'Spraggon, as I live! exclaimed he, as he caught Jack's harsh, spectacled features, and saw him titivating his hair and arranging his collar and stock as he approached. 'Well, that beats everything! exclaimed Jawleyford, burning with rage as he fastened the window again. He stood for a few seconds transfixed to the spot, not knowing what on earth to do.

"I have come out with you, commodore," said Captain Truck, when they had got to their station, and laying a peculiar emphasis on the appellation he used, "in order to enjoy myself, and you will confer an especial favour on me by not using such phrases as 'cable-rope, 'casting anchor, and 'titivating. As for the two first, no seaman ever uses them; and I never heard suchna word on board a ship, as the last, D e, sir, if I believe it is to be found in the dictionary, even."

Omicron only thought of spending and titivating herself. To assert that she only thought of spending did not satisfy his spleen; he must add "titivating herself." He would admit, of course, that she did as a fact sometimes think of other matters, but still he would uphold the gravamen of his charge.

And, if you have ever entered a necktie-shop and been dazzled by the spectacle of a fine necktie into "hanging expense" if you have been through this wondrous experience, your imagination, duly prodded, will enable you to put yourself into Mrs. Omicron's place when she mentions the subject of rings. "Titivating herself?" Good heavens, she is helping the very earth to revolve!

All housekeeping is amateurish. No order! No method! Has she ever studied housekeeping scientifically? Not she! Does she care? Not she! If she had any real sense of responsibility, if she had the slightest glimmering of her own short-comings, she wouldn't have started on the ring question. But there you are! She only thinks of spending, and titivating herself.

How'd I know the darn old cow was going to kick?" A not unpleasant thrill ran over her listeners. They would never dream of using such dubious words, but it was rather titivating to hear someone else use them and a girl, at that. Certainly this Mary Vance was an interesting creature. "I don't blame you for running away," said Faith. "Oh, I didn't run away 'cause she licked me.

But their chief home was in a sunny corner at the back of a shrubbery, where they were aligned on shelves in the sunlight. Three special gardeners who attended to their wants were grooming and massaging them, soothing and titivating them, for their temporary appearances in public.