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A tall girl afflicted with chorea St. Vitus's dance was dancing with every limb, without a pause, the left side of her face being continually distorted by sudden, convulsive grimaces. A younger one, who followed, gave vent to a bark, a kind of plaintive animal cry, each time that the tic douloureux which was torturing her twisted her mouth and her right cheek, which she seemed to throw forward.

Yet his disorder, which was somewhat approaching to that painful affliction the tic douloureux, though of fits more rare in occurrence than those of that complaint ordinarily are, never seemed even for an instant to operate upon his mood, whatever that might be.

In the tic we see a method by which the individual or organic personality has met a certain difficult or undesirable or disturbing situation. There is not such a far cry from the simplest tic to Gilles de la Tourette's disease or maladie des tics with its more pronounced signs of psychophysical deterioration and dissociation.

"Eh, Sambo!" cried he at last, quite out of breath, "you no better yet, try again " He recommenced, until at last the man got up and ran away as fast as he could. Now, whether the man was shamming or whether it was real tic tic, or epileptic fit, I know not, but I never heard of such a cure for it before.

A tall girl afflicted with chorea St. Vitus's dance was dancing with every limb, without a pause, the left side of her face being continually distorted by sudden, convulsive grimaces. A younger one, who followed, gave vent to a bark, a kind of plaintive animal cry, each time that the tic douloureux which was torturing her twisted her mouth and her right cheek, which she seemed to throw forward.

And ever, to and fro, from the window to the fireplace, from the fireplace to the window, the sovereign tramped wearily, the inscrutable face now drawn and twitching spasmodically with a nervous tic.

Ashore the machine guns and rifles never ceased tic tac, tic tac, brrrr tic tac, tic tac, brrrrrr...... Drowned every few seconds by our tremendous salvoes, this more nervous noise crept back insistently into our ears in the interval. As men fixed in the grip of nightmare, we were powerless unable to do anything but wait.

There was daintiness in it, and a hint of impertinence. Mr. Crayford smiled faintly. He had a slight tic, moving his eyebrows sometimes suddenly upward. "A good set-to now and then does no one any harm that I know of," he said, speaking rapidly. "They say over here you've got the worst of it this season." "Do they indeed? Very kind and obliging of them, I'm sure." "I hope it isn't true."

Between the paroxysms the patient is free from pain, but is in constant terror of its return, and the face wears an expression of extreme suffering and anxiety. When the paroxysm is accompanied by twitching of the facial muscles, it is called spasmodic tic.

Mental conflict and unrest has not received that degree of attention which it surely deserves. Clark and the Freudian school have definitely called our attention to this aspect. Bresler refers to tic as a motor reaction to original mental shock, so that it is in fact a psychic defense reaction of expression.