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Updated: August 4, 2024

"It'th all right. Ath I'm rethponthible for it, I only wanted to know." "Did you send it?" asked Low, quickly fixing his eyes on his face. "Well, not exactly me. But it'th not worth making a mythtery of it. Teretha gave me a commithion to buy it and thend it to you anonymouthly. That'th a woman'th nonthenth, for how could thee get a retheipt for it?" "Then it was her present," said Low gloomily.

"Did you know, Phil," Bud Anderson said, "that Cuthter'th to have a grand review before the General and hith thtaff when he geth here to-morrow, and that'th all we'll thee of the thircuth. My! but I wish we could have been in that fight; don't you?"

"It'th all right. Ath I'm rethponthible for it, I only wanted to know." "Did YOU send it?" asked Low, quickly fixing his eyes on his face. "Well, not exactly ME. But it'th not worth making a mythtery of it. Teretha gave me a commithion to buy it and thend it to you anonymouthly. That'th a woman'th nonthenth, for how could thee get a retheipt for it?" "Then it was HER present," said Low gloomily.

"That'th quite enough for a thow," he said, with a return to his former cynical ease and a perceptible tone of relief in his voice. "It'th the thame old Teretha. Well, then, if you won't go with me, go without me; take the led horthe and cut away. Dick Athley and Petereth will follow you over the county line. If you want thome money, there it ith." He took a buckskin purse from his pocket.

The wicked young Lieutenants who served with him on the Plains used to say that his bark was worse than his bite, because no reasonable bite could ever be so bad as his bark. They even suggested calling him "Peruvian Bark," because a visit to his quarters was worse than a strong does of quinia. "Yeth, that'th good," said the lisping wit of the crowd. "Evely bite ith a bit, ain't it?

Only now it neither went up nor down, but first toward one side of the door and then toward the other, according to the way in which the key approached it. Bobby, after a while, went at it straight from the front, whereupon the key-hole divided into two parts the one half running off the door to the right, the other to the left. "Well, that'th ahead of my time," said Bob.

"Bleth't if I didn't think from the weight of your hand it wath my old friend, Thacramento Bill," said Curson apologetically, with a wink at the bystanders. "That'th the way Bill alwayth uthed to tackle hith friendth, till he wath one day bounthed by a prithe-fighter in Frithco, whom he had mithtaken for a mithionary." As Mr.

I come stunting out in a bleeze of wrath and slam the yett ahint me!" "Oh, well," said the Deacon, "that'th one way of being dignified." "I'm afraid," said Sandy Toddle, "that he won't be in a very good key to consider our request this morning, after his quarrel with Gilmour." "No," said the Provost; "he'll be blazing angry! It's most unfoartunate.

Why didn't you say 'bawled out by Johnny? That'th what any of the retht of us would have said." "Well, I've lived most of my life in England. You can't expect me to talk the language yet." "I thought you were English. You've got an acthent like the fellow who plays the dude in thith show. Thay, why did you ever get into the show business?" "Well . . . well, why did you? Why does anybody?"

He'll jutht be waiting on the door-thtep for the thale-room to open." "If by any chance I come across a Hoppner?" I said, laughing, as I turned to go. "Don't you hold on to it too long, that'th all," was his advice. The argument of the late Herr Wagner was that grand opera the music drama, as he called it included, and therefore did away with the necessity for all other arts.

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