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"Nice!" cried the girl. "Oh, but it is quite nice. And so deliciously open and aboveboard. 'Your name is music to me. I love you more " "What do we see to-day?" put in her father hastily. "We're going down to the City and have a look at the Temple. Thackeray lived there once and Oliver Goldsmith " "All right the Temple it is." "Then the Tower of London.

He hates the foreigner whom he does not know, as heartily as Thackeray does, who seems to know him so well with a hatred that seems to me a little unjust, perhaps: all France is not in Leicester Square; many Frenchmen can dress and ride, drive and shoot as well as anybody; and they began to use the tub very soon after we did a dozen years or so, perhaps say after the coup d'état in 1851.

In the scheme of this series, as originally-announced, Thackeray's work should have formed the subject of the third chapter. But, on reflection, I have decided that, considering my present purpose, it would be little more than a useless self-indulgence to do what I at first intended. There is no sort of dispute about Thackeray.

But the partisans of Thackeray and those of Zola would probably unite in the opinion that Sir Walter Scott was not realistic; they would call him romantic, and claim that he painted ideal scenes and ideal characters.

In some writers it is so lightly managed as to approach the sketch, and is more suggestive than fully descriptive. To see what I mean read the first few chapters of "Miss Angel," by Anna Thackeray. But a sketch by a trained and poetical observer is one thing; a sketch by a less gifted person is quite another. My pupil must be content with the simplest, most honest, unadorned record of things seen.

A correspondent of the Examiner writing on May 28, 1873, said that he had met one of Lowe's daughters, 'who recollected, she told him, 'when a child, sitting on Dr. Johnson's knee and his making her repeat the Lord's Prayer. She was Johnson's god-daughter. By a committee consisting of Milman, Thackeray, Dickens, Carlyle and others, an annuity fund for her and her sister was raised.

Who would project a serial novel, after Thackeray and Dickens had each fallen in midcourse? Who would find heart enough to begin to live, if he dallied with the consideration of death? And, after all, what sorry and pitiful quibbling all this is!

From his monument Shakespeare looks upon the place with his kindly eyes, and Addison too, and Goldsmith; and one can almost imagine a smile of fellowship upon the marble faces of those later dead Burns, Coleridge, Southey, and Thackeray. Nor in that great place of the dead does Dickens enjoy cold barren honour alone.

Otherwise they will not be able to classify the books, and tabulate their writers, and know which ones to admire and praise. How can you expect a mere author to comprehend the faulty method of Shakespeare, or the ethical commonplaceness of Dickens and Thackeray, or the vital Ibsenism of Bernard Shaw and the other near-Ibsens, without assistance?"

They had a literary quality, and were out of Thackeray and Trollope, in the dearth of any modern society novelists great enough for them to be out of.