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What could have happened to upset the well-arranged plan? Were Tarnowsy's spies so hot upon the trail that it was necessary for her to abandon the attempt to enter my castle? In that case, she must have sent some sort of a message to her daughter, apprising her of the unexpected change; a message which, unhappily for me, arrived after my departure.

Will come to Schloss Rothhoefen at once to complete the transfer. Accompanied by Hazzard and Smith, I went over the castle from top to bottom, in quest of the reason for Tarnowsy's prompt acceptance of my demand.

Then I deliberately took a gold coin out of my pocket and pressed it into the valet's hand. "Kindly give that to your master with my compliments," said I, in a voice that was intended to reach Tarnowsy's ear. "Bon soir, m'sieu," said Francois, with an amiable grin. He watched me descend the stairs and then softly closed the door. In the office I came upon Mr. Schymansky.

Were I inclined to sensationalism it would be no trouble at all for me to have Tarnowsy's agents shooting at our tires or gasoline tank from every crag and cranny; or to have Rosemary kidnapped by aeroplanists supplied with drag-hooks; or to have the Countess lodged in a village prison from which I should be obliged to liberate her with battle-axe and six-shooter, my compensation being a joyous rest in a hospital with the fair Aline nursing me back to health and strength and cooing fond words in my rapacious ear the while I reflected on the noble endowments of a nature that heretofore had been commonplace and meek.

Elsie Hazzard wrote in great perturbation and at almost unfeeling length to tell me that Count Tarnowsy had unearthed the supposedly mythical Rothhoefen treasure chests and was reputed to have found gold and precious jewels worth at least a million dollars. The accumulated products of a century's thievery! The hoard of all the robber barons! Tarnowsy's!

I am sure you won't persist in this when I tell you that Tarnowsy's agents are sure to see you and " She laughed. "Tarnowsy's agents! Why should they be here?" "They seem to be everywhere." "I can assure you there is none within fifty miles of Schloss Rothhoefen. Our men are in the city. Four of them preceded me. This morning I had Mr.