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"A sail in sight to leeward, sir," said Jack, entering the cabin, cap in hand, one afternoon, while the captain was at dinner. "What does she look like?" asked Captain Lascelles, applying his table-napkin to his mouth, and finishing his glass of wine as a man does when he has to move in a hurry, while he fumbles in his waistcoat-pocket for his toothpick case.

The furniture consisted only of the most essential articles, plain wooden chairs and a sofa, also newly made without covering or cushions. There were two tables of limewood; one by the sofa, and the other in the corner was covered with a table-cloth, laid with things over which a clean table-napkin had been thrown. And, indeed, the whole room was obviously kept extremely clean.

Let us suppose," he continued, folding his table-napkin into a graceful festoon, "that this represents what is perhaps the necessity of this Age the Active Tourist's Portable Bath. You may describe it briefly, if you like," looking at the Chancellor, "by the letters A.T.P.B."

The mistress, our Mme. Vigneau, has turned as white as white can be, so that we are frightened about her." "Oh, well, then," Benassis said cheerfully, "I must leave the table," and he rose to go. In spite of the doctor's entreaties, Genestas flung down his table-napkin, and swore in a soldierly fashion that he would not finish his dinner without his host.

Only once papa flicked his table-napkin angrily and said to mamma: "What do you want to be getting them all married for? What business is it of yours? Let them get married of themselves if they want to." After dinner, neighbouring cooks and maidservants kept flitting into the kitchen, and there was the sound of whispering till late evening. How they had scented out the matchmaking, God knows.

This was hard upon the lady, as her own table-napkin and a cup out of which she was wont to drink were placed at that spot. Marie, standing at the soup-tureen, heard it all and became very spiteful. Then her uncle called to her: 'Marie, my dear, are you not coming? 'Presently, uncle, replied Marie, in a clear voice, as she commenced to dispense the soup.

As soon as you are seated at table, remove your gloves, place your table-napkin across your knees, and remove the roll which you find probably within it to the left side of your plate. The soup should be placed on the table first. Some old-fashioned persons still place soup and fish together; but "it is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance."

It simply happens in the natural course of things." "No wonder people don't like you!" said Olga. "Don't you like me?" said Max. He put the question with obvious indifference, yet his green eyes still studied her critically. Olga poured out some water with a hand so shaky that it splashed over. He reached forward and dabbed it up with his table-napkin. "Well?" he said.

When the victory became known there was general enthusiasm for the Duke. of Guise; but he took only a very modest advantage of it, being more anxious to have his comrades' merits appreciated than his own. At Blois, as he handed the queen-mother her table-napkin at dinner-time, he asked her if he might have an audience of her after the repast.

"You're wanted. There's a party of ten just come in. Hurry up, can't yer?" Robert put down his plates and went into the dining-room with the wine list. His table-napkin he carried neatly folded over one arm. And there was Francey Wilmot. She had other people with her, but he saw her first. He could not have mistaken her. Of course, she had changed.