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Up to the present I confess I have been so taken up with more material and, may I add' casting a well-measured glance of admiration at her beautifully moulded features and lovely eyes lovely, in spite of the cruel hand of time which had streaked her chestnut hair with grey 'infinitely more pleasing subjects, that I have not even thought about the superphysical.

The moment the candles were extinguished the grimness sensibly increased, and he could feel all around him, thickly amalgamated with the ether, a superphysical presence, at once hostile and horrible. Then, to bring his terror to a climax, there issued from the bath a loud rubbing and splashing, as if some one, some very heavy person, was vigorously washing.

Wren and his servant, thinking, perhaps, the man, dog, and horses had really fallen over the cliff, went to look for them. They searched elsewhere, but despite their vigilance, nothing was to be found, and convinced at last that what they had seen was something superphysical, they came away mystified, and no doubt somewhat frightened.

The idea of praying to an invisible being who might or might not hear them never entered their minds; they were far too matter of fact for that and it was not until superphysical manifestations had become confined to a very select few, that the plan of erecting public buildings in spots frequented by the spirits, so that all who wished could assemble there and communicate with them, was proposed and put into operation.

There is something especially weird, too, in the ash; something that suggests to my mind that it is particularly susceptible to superphysical influences. I have often sat and listened to its groaning, and more than once, at twilight, perceived the filmy outline of some fantastic figure writhed around its slender trunk.

Besides this, there was the fact that light here showed itself susceptible to the magnetic force in a way otherwise characteristic only of certain material substances. Accordingly, everything combined to suggest to Crookes that here, if anywhere, he was at the boundary between the physical and the superphysical worlds.

We only know from our own experiences and from the compiled testimony of various reputable Research Societies that there is a superphysical, and that the superphysical is a fact which is acknowledged by several of the greatest scientists of the day. "But to continue. The creaking of a chair roused me from my sleep.

"Because," I replied with a certain slowness and deliberation characteristic of me, "because I've seen her ghost!" Of course I knew Miss Bosworth was no sceptic the moment my eyes rested on her I saw she was psychic, and that the superphysical was often at her elbow. Accordingly, I was not in the least surprised at her look of horror. "What!" she exclaimed, "is she still there?

And if they possess this attraction for the physical, why not for the superphysical why, indeed, should not "ghosts" come within the radius of their magnetism? The palm and sycamore trees have invariably been associated with the spiritual, and made use of symbolically, as the tree of life.

I seldom talk about my adventure, Miss Maginney announced, because so many people ridicule the superphysical, and laugh at the mere mention of ghosts. I own I did the same myself till I stayed at Glamis; but a week there quite cured me of scepticism, and I came away a confirmed believer.