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So drink, and call for vat you please, Until you hab your vack, boys; Ve'll think no more of angry seas, Till ve standen back, boys. Chorus and laughter. With a whip, snip, high cum diddledy, The cog-wheels of life have need of much oiling; Smack, crack this is our jubilee Huzza, my lads, we'll keep the pot boiling. Bill Spurey

So de next night I started off agen, an' run an' walked hard all night, an' towards mornin' I went up to a little house standen off from de road, thinking it was a nigger house, an' jest as I got up to it out walked a white woman scarin' me awfully, an' de fust ting she axed me was what I wanted." "Tight slave!" interrupted Jim, "what d'ye do then?"

'They didn't flee off to Babylonish places not they. He struck up an attitude 'Here's Master Springrove standen so: here's the married woman standen likewise; here they d'walk across to Knapwater House; and there they d'bide in the chimley corner, hard and fast. 'Yes, 'twas a pretty wedden, and well attended, added the clerk.

Vassilissa, who was accustomed to this silent gathering of the forces before her mother broke into specially impassioned speech, began calmly to untie her pinafore. "That's right!" cried Annie, with sudden vigour; "go off and make yourself fine, and lave me to wash all the cloam that's been standen' up in grease these three days.

'Ay, said Gad, 'and there was Tim Tankins and his five journeymen carpenters, standen on tiptoe and peepen in at the chancel winders. There was Dairyman Dodman waiten in his new spring-cart to see 'em come out whip in hand that 'a was. Then up comes two master tailors. Then there was Christopher Runt wi' his pickaxe and shovel.

Amongst other officers of that brigade who were most conspicuous for bravery, I would record the names of Montague, the "vigorous Gooch," as he was called, and the well-known Jack Standen. One of the most intimate friends of the Duke of Wellington was the Earl of March, afterwards Duke of Richmond.