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Updated: August 14, 2024

For that matter, neither am I a child. I have said that I can prove my words, and I say so again." "Prove them, then," said Sololo.

For some seconds after the sound of the last footfall had died away, the rattle of Shasha's charms, as he fled, could be heard. Vooda approached Sololo: "My Chief, what word am I to carry to Indabeni?" "Tell Indabeni that the wrong-doer will be given up to the Magistrate to choke with a rope.

Sololo looked at Vooda as though he would say, "What do you think of that; is he not a most terribly potent war-doctor?" All the other men looked extremely terrified. Dead silence reigned for a few moments, and then Vooda spoke: "O Chief, the magic of your war-doctor is indeed dreadful to behold, but, believe me, the magic of U-Sessellodes and Indabeni is stronger, and I can prove it."

One of his followers quarrelled with another, and after the time-honoured local custom, assuaged his feelings by means of a spear-thrust, which had a fatal result. The murdered man was one whom Sololo disliked, whereas, on the other hand, the murderer was one whom the chief delighted to honour.

"Indabeni is not a Pondo, neither am I Indabeni," said Sololo, appealing, with a look, to the audience. "Yebo, Yebo, Ewe E-hea," shouted all the men. "I did not ask Government for its laws," continued the Chief. We were surprised, and could not think or speak. Besides, who listens to the bleating of a goat when an angry bull bellows?

"What is this thing that frightens a man who is the father of children?" "We, also, have our magic," said Sololo, glancing at Shasha, the war-doctor. Shasha came forward in a half-crouching attitude, and approached Vooda, who appeared to be very much impressed. The war-doctor's appearance was startling enough. He was an elderly man of hideous aspect. On his head he wore a high cap of baboon skin.

It was plain that an important discussion was on hand, and that Vooda's presence was unwelcome. The beer was not in sufficient quantities to cause intoxication, but nevertheless all were somewhat mellow when the sun went down. Shortly afterwards Sololo asked the visitor point blank "Where he was thinking of."

Now Sololo, having had experience of Vooda's persuasive tongue and knack of casuistry, did not wish to argue the point knowing, as he did full well, the object of Vooda's visit and at once made up his mind that he would not see the glib-tongued constable alone. "Son of my father," he said, "what you have to say, let it be said before these my councilors and friends."

Consequently, when the magistrate demanded the surrender of the culprit for the purpose of dealing with him according to law, Sololo refused delivery, and couched his refusal in an extremely insolent and rebellious message. Cajolements, remonstrances, and threats were of no avail; Sololo remained obstinate.

Stretching forth his left hand, he liberated a small cloud of lycopodium powder, which ignited with a brilliant flash. At this, all the spectators leaped to their feet, wildly yelling, and, with the exception of Sololo, who stood still although the picture of terror disappeared into the surrounding darkness.

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