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'We'll put it all down at the Navigation, and old Snape shall make a special minute about it. Katie drank her tea in silence, and tried to eat, though without much success. When chatting voices and jokes were to be heard at the Cottage, the sound of her voice was usually the foremost; but now she sat demure and quiet.

A few quotations from the original papers of the firm, which are now in the possession of the author, will throw light upon the nature of their subsequent operations. "CONTRACTED and agreed on the 9th day of August, 1781, with Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Commissioner of his Majesty's Navy, resident at Halifax, by us Michael Francklin, Esqr., of Windsor, and Wm.

'I have heard all about you daily from him, said Harry. 'I know you have and he is daily talking of you, Harry. And so he should do; so we all should do. What a glorious change this is for him! is it not, Harry? Charley by this time had torn himself away from Mr. Snape and the navvies, and transferred the whole of his official zeal and energies to the Weights and Measures.

This want of a dinner, however, was a small misfortune in comparison with others which afflicted him. Should or should he not keep his promise to Mrs. Davis, and go to the 'Cat and Whistle' that evening? That was the question which disturbed his equanimity, and hindered him from teasing Mr. Snape in his usual vivacious manner.

I am disgusted with human nature. Could you lend me half a sovereign till Saturday?" I smiled. I sacrificed the half sovereign, and let him go, for he is not exactly the person to whom it was advisable to intrust all the secrets relating to the Honorable Miss Snape.

Snape had delighted to haul about, were sent away into Cimmerian darkness, and probably to utter destruction. And then the Internal Navigation was no more. Among those who were drafted into other offices was Charley, whom propitious fate took to the Weights and Measures. But it must not be imagined that chance took him there.

Oldeschole, when he saw that one of the clerks was talking to a woman who apparently was crying, looked very intently on the ground, and passed by with a quick step; Mr. Snape looked as intently at the woman, and passed very slowly. Each acted according to his lights. 'I don't mean gammon at all, Mrs.

Snape had selected for his own peculiar walk in life a character for evangelical piety. Whether he was a hypocrite as all the navvies averred or a man sincere as far as one so weak could accomplish sincerity, it is hardly necessary for us to inquire. He was not by nature an ill-natured man, but he had become by education harsh to those below him, and timid and cringing with those above.

'Oh! it's all about some pork chops, which Screwy had for supper last night. Screwy was a name of love which among his brother navvies was given to Mr. Corkscrew. 'Mr. Snape seems to think they did not agree with him. 'Pork chops in July! exclaimed Charley. 'Poor Screwy forgot the time of year, said another navvy; 'he ought to have called it lamb and grass. And then the story was told.

Snape and Cashett have persecuted the poor Baroness most cruelly. They have contrived to show that the lady has not only got into their debt, but has also swindled them, swindled them according to law, and consequently they have been able to set all the police of the continent on her track. She had no sooner shown her face back in Germany, than they were upon her.