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Stonewall Jackson rode along the front. "General Hill, it is time for the counterstroke. Forward, and drive them!" The signaller wigwagged to the Warrenton turnpike: General Lee. I am driving them. Jackson. The signaller on the turnpike signalled back: General Jackson. General Longstreet is advancing. Look out for and protect his left flank. Lee. Lee's great battle was over and won.

The train was sauntering along in its customary easy-going fashion, when it came to a halt at the signal of a man in corduroy trousers, a flannel shirt which had once been scarlet, and a felt hat of no colour. The signaller sat upon a fence and wanted a chat with the driver, who was quite willing, in the course of his leisurely progress, to spare him half an hour or so.

A pot of savoury gossip, flavoured with scandal, was upon the table; and Mary, lost to sight behind the cloud of steam that uprose as the three leaped about it, finished her dinner undisturbed. A nod bade her leave before dessert. As she passed out the signaller spoke. "I want to see you," Mrs. Chater said. "Wait for me in the drawing-room."

Using this as a lever he rolled aside a tree-trunk, then another, and finally a bowlder. "That will do," remarked the officer. "Take your flags and go ahead." Then Evelyn Erith, rising cautiously to her scarred knees, saw the signaller gather up his flags and step into what apparently was the bed of the bowlder on the edge of the windfall.

'All a false alarm just a dodge to get your men's heads up within reach of their Fizz-Bangs' shrapnel, said the artilleryman, and called to the signaller. 'All guns raise twenty-five. Section fire five seconds. . . . Hullo hit? he continued to the Platoon officer, as he noticed him wiping a smear of blood from his cheek. 'Just a nice little scratch, said the lad, grinning.

He flashed the little beam across the floor, and its light fell upon the wooden grating over which he had stumbled in his first rush at the enemy signaller. This lay alongside the bath. It was about six feet long and made of four heavy slats nailed on a framework. It took Ken just about five seconds to lay down his lamp and heave up the grating.

All of this was hard, hot work, to which the men stuck splendidly. Mac, however, had none of it, for, his turn in the fodder-room being over, he was sent to the bridge as a signaller. He knew little about the work, but another signaller was wanted, and he was sent to learn. It was the best of work, clean, cool and interesting.

"Did you hear anything about it, Monroe?" enquired Barry. "No, sir. I don't believe these rumours at all. They are always flying about." "But you say you got it over the wires?" said Barry to the signaller. "Yes, sir. That is, sir, of course, we get a lot of messages. Perhaps I'm mixed up," said the signaller in very evident confusion. "And you haven't heard anything, Monroe?" said Barry.

He had no sooner reached his private room than his signaller informed him that Divisional Headquarters had just been trying to get him. It took some time, however, to get the message through. Meantime, the Colonel was handling Barry with a wise and skillful touch.

"The other subaltern," I translated swiftly, "came from a native regiment, and was overbearing in his demeanour. He suffered much from the fever of the country, and is now dead. Go on, Infant." "After a bit, we got into trouble for using the men on frivolous occasions, and so I used to put my signaller under arrest to prevent him reading the helio-orders.