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"I was glad to have you sleep, for goodness knows you needed it, but if you'd 'a' kep' it up a day or so longer, I'd 'a' called in a doctor shoor!

If that don't make me an old family servant, I'd like to know." "But he thinks you were an old family servant in our house." "Well, bless your heart, that's his business, not mine. How can I help what he thinks?" "Didn't you tell him, Martha dear, that you nursed me till I was able to walk?" "Shoor I did! An' it's the livin' truth. What's the matter with that?

Most folks don't do it, an' that's where a lot o' trouble comes in, or so it appears to me." Claire twisted her ring in silence, gazing down at it the while as if the operation was, of all others, the most important and absorbing. "We may not agree, Martha dear," she said at last, "but anyway I know you're good, good, good, and I wouldn't hurt your feelings for the world." "Shoor!

Such accidents is liable to occur in the best-reggerlated fam'lies. They do in mine, shoor!" "But, you see," quavered the uncertain voice, "I haven't any more. That's all I had, so I can't pay you back, and "

Martha paused, regarding him and his question with due concern. "Tell?" "Are y-you going to t-tell on me, t-to ev-everybody? Are y-you going to t-tell S-Sammy?" "Shoor I'm not! I'm a perfect lady! I always keep such little affairs with my gen'lemen friends strickly confidential. Besides Sammy has troubles of his own."

He snatched him from his seat and hurled him at the door, where he fell in a heap. Klusky arose, and, although his eyes snapped wildly and he trembled, he spoke insidiously, with oily modulation. "Vait a meenute, Meestaire Captain, vait a meenute. I didn't say I vouldn't go. Oi! Oi! Vat a man! Shoor I'll go. Coitenly! You have been good to me and they have been devils. I hope they die."

I saw the shepherd look with longing eye up the long green valley, and mutter disconsolately in his beard. "Is the water rising?" I asked. "It's no rising," said he, "but I likena the look o' yon big black clud upon Cairncraw. I doubt there's been a shoor up the muirs, and a shoor there means twae mair feet o' water in the Clachlands. God help Sandy Jamieson's lambs, if there is."

And Martha, sleeves rolled up, enveloped in an enormous blue-checked apron, returned to her assault on the dough she was kneading, with redoubled zeal. "Bread, mother?" asked Sam dully, letting himself down wearily into a chair by the drop-table, staring indifferently before him out of blank eyes. "Shoor! An' I put some currants in, to please the little fella.

I musta gone an' lost your pretty lace for you, an' it was reel at that!" "Never mind! It's of no consequence. Truly, please don't " "Worry? Shoor I won't worry. What's the use worryin'? But I'll make it right, you betcher life, which is much more to the purpose. Say, I shouldn't wonder but it got into the tub someways, an' then, when I let the water out, the suckage drew it down the pipe.

If the rain was pouring at the junction, then Drumtochty stood two minutes longer through sheer native dourness till each man had a cascade from the tail of his coat, and hazarded the suggestion, half-way to Kildrummie, that it had been "a bit scrowie," and "scrowie" being as far short of a "shoor" as a "shoor" fell below "weet."