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Updated: August 12, 2024

When the Kafirs heard this, they ran at him, but he fell on them like a rending lion and charged through them again and again, slaying of them much people; And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the Six Hundred and Seventy-seventh Night,

Answered he, "Verily we are all under the benediction of this Religious, holy and righteous, nor would you have been victorious, but for his accepted orisons; indeed all day he remained at prayer to invoke victory on the Moslems." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the One Hundred and Fourth Night,

Furthermore, in this my bag is a brood-mare and two colts and a stallion and two blood-steeds and two long lances; and it containeth eke a lion and two hares and a city and two villages and a whore and two sharking panders and an hermaphrodite and two gallows birds and a blind man and two wights with good sight and a limping cripple and two lameters and a Christian ecclesiastic and two deacons and a patriarch and two monks and a Kazi and two assessors, who will be evidence that the bag is my bag. Quoth the Kazi to me, 'And what sayst thou, O Ali? So, O Commander of the Faithful, being filled with rage, I came forward and said, 'Allah keep our lord the Kazi!" And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

Quoth he, "From Ispahan and I was voyaging with merchandise when my ship was wrecked and the waves cast me upon the farther side of this island." Whereupon the eunuch wept and embraced him, saying, "Allah preserve thee, O thou friendly face! And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Three Hundred and Seventy-sixth Night,

Quoth she, "Arise and bring me him who recited verses but now." Replied he, "Of a truth I did not hear him" And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the Seventy-second Night,

"I hear and obey," answered Abu al-Hasan, and locking his shop and taking with him the girl he went, by a way different from that whereby he came, to Ali bin Bakkar's house, where he left her standing at the door and walked in. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say. When it was the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth Night,

And this was high enjoyment for Janshah and his father and the lady Shamsah." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the Five Hundred and Twenty-ninth Night,

Now, at the first of the couplets, I sprang up and made for the quarter whence the sound came, nor had the voice ended repeating them, ere I was with the speaker and saw a youth of the utmost beauty, the hair of whose side face had not sprouted and in whose cheeks tears had worn twin trenches. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

And at the end he added this other verse, "I've sent the ring from off thy finger bore * I when we met, now deign my ring restore!" Then Kamar al-Zaman set the Lady Budur's ring inside the letter and sealed it and gave it to the eunuch, who took it and went in with it to his mistress. And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

I begged Him yesterday to send me one of His saints, at whose hands I might have deliverance, and behold, it was cried to me from the dark places of my house, 'Grieve not; for we soon will send thee Ibrahim the Basket-maker. Then I asked her, 'What of thee? and she answered, 'It is now four years since there appeared to me the Manifest Truth, and He is the Relator and the Ally, and the Uniter and the Sitter-by; whereupon my folk looked askance upon me with an evil eye and taxed me with insanity and suspected me of depravity, and there came not in to me doctor but terrified me, nor visitor but confounded me. Quoth I, 'And who led thee to the knowledge of what thou wottest? Quoth she, 'The manifest signs and visible portents of Allah; and, when the path is patent to thee, thou espiest with thine own eyes both proof and prover. Now whilst we were talking, behold, in came the old man appointed to guard her and said, 'What doth thy doctor?; and she replied, 'He knoweth the hurt and hath hit upon the healing." And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

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