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It was quiet. It might have been 1800 or 1600. The awareness of time stretched further back than anything he had felt in New England. He ordered carne secca, beef flavored with intense dry spices that he hadn't before tasted. He drank tequila and wine. A stern guitar embraced the silence. At the end of the meal, Oliver had a final tequila. To his astonishment, he began to cry.

But I fastened my eyes upon the ground, and holding Benny tightly by the hand, went on into the house. It is impossible to love and to be wise. Bacon. Niente piu tosto se secca che lagrime. "This is what we must do about it," said Kilian, as we sat around the breakfast-table.

Jose had the presence of mind to slacken the sheet of the mainsail, while I leapt forward and lowered the sprit of the foresail, the two Indians standing stupefied in the prow. It was what the canoe-men call a trovoada secca or white squall.

Fazenda is equivalent to our word "plantation." Kabi is African grass, which is planted all over the Brazils, as grass never grows there of its own accord. It is very high and reed-like. All through Brazil, carna secca is one of the principal articles of food, both for whites and blacks.

At the conclusion of our meal, we had strong coffee without milk. The slaves had beans, carna secca, and manioc flour. 8th October. Our goal today was the Fazenda Boa Esperanza, twenty- four miles off. Four miles beyond Canto Gallo, we crossed a small waterfall, and then entered one of the most magnificent virgin forests I had yet beheld.

I have never yet witnessed a sugar-harvest, but, perhaps, may do so in the course of my travels. All work ceases at sunset, when the negroes are drawn up in front of their master's house for the purpose of being counted, and then, after a short prayer, have their supper, consisting of boiled beans, bacon, carna secca, and manioc flour, handed out to them.

We remained quiet the early part of the day, under a harmless fire from their mountain guns; but, towards the afternoon, our battalion, with part of the forty-third, and supported by a brigade of Spaniards, were ordered to pass by the bridge of Le Secca, and to move in a parallel direction with the French, along the same ridge of hills.

We retired, the first day, to the mountains behind Le Secca; and, just as we were about to lie down for the night, we were again ordered under arms, and continued our retreat in utter darkness, through a mountain path, where, in many places, a false step might have rolled a fellow as far as the other world.

There was a large fire burning for every dish. Every one whose complexion was white, sat down with us at table. All the dishes, consisting of cold roast beef, black beans with boiled carna secca, potatoes, rice, manioc flour, and boiled manioc roots, were placed upon the table at the same time, and every one helped himself as he pleased.