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Next to him among the royalist party was Viglius, president of the privy council, an erudite schoolman, attached less to the broad principles of justice than to the letter of the laws, and thus carrying pedantry into the very councils of the state.

Perhaps there were others very likely there were who sang with grace in their hearts unto the Lord, but it certainly looked as though that were no object in their selection. But she thought of Doctor Schoolman, who raised no objections and always sat with such an expression of bland repose while they sang.

GEORGE MORLEY. "First let me say that I would consult your intellect on a matter which habitually attracts and engages mine that old vexed question of the origin and uses of Evil, not only in the physical, but the moral world; it involves problems over which I would ponder for hours as a boy on which I wrote essays as a schoolman on which I perpetually collect illustrations to fortify my views as a theologian."

He was already a lawyer of skill and reputation; an orator upon whom his party relied to speak for them to the people. An innate love of combat was in his heart; he loved discussion like a medieval schoolman.

But what is obtained by quotations from Maimonides more than from Alexander Hales, or any other Schoolman of the same age? The metaphysics of the learned Jew are derived from the same source, namely, Aristotle; and his object was the same, as that of the Christian Schoolmen, namely, to systematize the religion he professed on the form and in the principles of the Aristotelian philosophy.

"I thought what her 'I' would come to," said Julia reproachfully. Edward shook his head, and said, "He who goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. "But she is not a he," objected Mrs. Dodd with the subtlety of a schoolman: "and who ever heard of a young lady being married without some things to be married in?"

These controversies have passed away, upon which, says John of Salisbury, more time had been wasted than the Caesars had employed in making themselves masters of the world; and it is unnecessary here to revive them. The Introductio ad Theologiam of the famous Abelard, another schoolman, was fatal to him.

"Oh, Hubert," groaned his father, "don't say that." "I don't mean," said Hubert quickly, "that Jesus is a sham. I believe," and his deep eyes softened, "that He is the most real fact in the universe. But the belief of those people, father! That sort of gathering is what Doctor Schoolman calls 'relaxation, and I think he is right.

There are no teachers for him; the schools for the small arts, the accomplishments, and the graces of life are not open to him; one never hears, for instance, of a working man learning to waltz or dance, unless it is in imitation of a music-hall performer. In other words, the public schoolman has gone through a mill of discipline out of school as well as in.

Meanwhile Doctor Schoolman had been greeting Hubert. "Mr. Hubert Gray!" he exclaimed, very blandly. "Really this is a pleasure. I am glad to see you." "I am glad to come," said Hubert, looking in the Doctor's face frankly. He wished to tell him how the Lord's people had become so vitally his. But the reverend gentleman did not note his earnest look.