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Die in the east of France there was printed in the year 1507 a "Cosmographias Introductio" an introduction to a forthcoming edition of Ptolemy in which was included an account of the journeys of one Amerigo Vespucci, who is credited with the discovery of a new part of the world a fourth continent.

These controversies have passed away, upon which, says John of Salisbury, more time had been wasted than the Caesars had employed in making themselves masters of the world; and it is unnecessary here to revive them. The Introductio ad Theologiam of the famous Abelard, another schoolman, was fatal to him.

We must mention the first publication of the printed letter of Columbus, one in each of its four editions, giving the first account of his discoveries in the West, with three autograph letters of Diego Columbus, his son; the "Cosmographia Introductio," printed at St.

The Pythagorean arithmetic as a whole, with the developments made after the time of Pythagoras himself, is mainly known to us through Nicomachus's Introductio arithmetica, Iamblichus's commentary on the same, and Theon of Smyrna's work Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium. The things in these books most deserving of notice are the following.

In the year 1682 he published in London his Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam, an original attempt, which Camden had desiderated, to define, in a Roman idiom, the terms and attributes of a Gothic institution. It is not two years since I acquired, in a foreign land, some domestic intelligence of my own family; and this intelligence was conveyed to Switzerland from the heart of Germany.

"Cosmographies Introductio a description of the New World." "We shall at last get information about these fables of Columbus." "Columbus will not travel any more." "Columbus has travelled to hell! Now it is Amerigo Vespucci's turn." "He is a Florentine and a fellow-countrymen." "Well, Columbus was a Genoese." "Look you! Rome rules the world, the known and the unknown alike! Urbs est urbs!

These documents, printed and bound up as small thin volumes, were soon translated into various languages and distributed throughout Europe. It was in the year 1507 that a certain Hylacolymus, whose real name was Martin Waldtzemuller, first proposed to give the name of America to the new part of the world. He did so in a book printed at Saint Dié and called Cosmographia introductio.

When the writer first called on him in New York with a note of introductio from his friend and admirer Adolfo Betti, and later at Scarsdale where, in company with his friend Thibaud, he was dividing his time between music and tennis, Ysaye made him entirely at home, and willingly talked of his art and its ideals.

Martin Waldseemüller, of Freiburg, in his Cosmographiae Introductio, published in 1507, wrote: "I do not see why any one may justly forbid it to be named after Americus, its discoverer, a man of sagacious mind, Amerige, that is the land of Americus or America, since both Europe and Asia derived their names from women."

The whiche lawe, Solon siemeth to haue translated to the Athenienses, vndre the name of the lawe Sisarea, decreyng that the body of no citezein, should for any maner of enterest be emprisoned. Cluverius, in his "Introductio in Geographiam." 1659, says: Summa Africa descriptio.