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They may also cause other trouble; for instance, if your collar chafes the back of your neck, and to relieve the itching you rub it a little too hard with your finger, your nail may scratch the skin; and if it be blackened with infectious dirt, this may get into the little scratch and give rise to a boil, or a festering sore. How to Clean the Nails.

There will be a gent there with sore eyes. He got sore eyes waitin' and watchin' for me to call. I expect to cure him of his eye trouble. After that you will be as welcome as Mary's little lamb fried." "Bur-rie me not on the lo-o-ne prai-ree," sang Bud Light. "Not while you got the fastest hoss in the outfit," said Williams. "Collie's hoss is here," said Overland. "I'm ridin' her this trip.

'The clear face, delicately fine, and all that. But I don't let my mind dwell much on girls in these days, when I can help it, as you can well imagine." "And when you can't help it?" I wanted to know. "Oh, when I can't help it, I feel like a bear with a sore head, and no honey in my hollow tree." So that is why he is so disagreeable, sometimes!

After we had gotten back there, they took me and gave me another flogging to satisfy the madam. I was never so lacerated before. I could hardly walk, so sore and weak was I. The law was given me that if ever I was caught out in the public road again, by any soldier, I was to be shot.

The United States marshal who attempted to take possession of the cattle on the North Platte went back on the same train with us. He was feeling sore over his defeat, but Sutton cultivated his acquaintance, and in mollifying that official, showed him how easily failure could be palmed off as a victory. In fact, I think Mike overcolored the story at my expense.

"Give it to him!" cried Bert, whose face still stung where Danny had struck him with a snowball. "That's what I will," agreed Harry, whose ear was quite sore. For a time Danny said nothing, but tried to block off the rain of snowballs, throwing some of his own back. Then, as he was almost overwhelmed by the ones Harry and Bert threw, the bully cried: "Stop! Stop! I've had enough!

It had very early occurred to her that a small sum of money might, perhaps, restore peace for ever on the sore subject of the silver knife, canvassed as it now was continually, and the riches which she was in possession of herself, her uncle having given her 10 at parting, made her as able as she was willing to be generous.

And, in later months, Ivan, sore wounded, came to remember these hours as the last of the old, free life of careless poverty, with its untold wealth of comradeship. Certainly Joseph's much-lauded work was good. There could be no question of that. The boy's talent was pronounced, his style highly individual, his conceptions normal, unimpressionistic, but beautifully his own.

She felt that they had won his contempt, and she feared the loss of her own self-control when she should come to touch upon the sore spots. "What would you do, Jewel," she asked the next morning, after they had read the lesson; "what would you do if you were afraid of somebody?" "I wouldn't be," returned the child quickly. "Well, I am. Now what am I going to do about it?"

'Delightful, she said. I have now got used to it, but you know you hurt me, and made me so sore the first time you did it. After this they left the room, and I got away without being discovered. But I found out what our two things were made for, we will do as they did, so lie down on the couch whilst I kneel at the end, and begin in the way I kissed it the other morning."