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"He plays Rugger up and down the passage with the boots all night and then he begins to make his bed. He's mad. He's " William turned his calm gaze upon him. "I wasn't playin' Rugger with the boots, Father," he said, patiently. Mrs. Brown laid her hand soothingly upon her husband's arm. "You know, dear," she said, gently, "a house is always full of noises at night. Basket chairs creaking " Mr.

That kind of man isn't much braver when he's plunging at Germans than he is when he's plunging at a motor-omnibus or getting into a 'scrum' at Rugger. He simply doesn't see any difference. It's something to plunge at, and so he plunges. I haven't much faith in the Don't-Care-a-Damn Brigade. They're more anxious to get V. C's than to get victories.

Captain Blake was himself an old Guy's Rugger three-quarter and no mean boxer, and the Sergeant, Corporal, and Guard, were all powerful men, while Dam was a Samson further endowed with the strength of undeniable madness.

Faulkner fluttered round the room looking at photographs; the bare knees of the Rugger XV. compelled her to say that she did not think them at all nice. I put my legs farther under the table and felt like blushing.

Augustus had become a Decadent a silly harmless conventionally-unconventional Decadent. But, as Carey, a contemporary Rugger blood, coarsely remarked, he hadn't the innards to go far wrong.

"You don't look a day older than the last time you played Rugger for Cambridge." "I am, though." He sluiced the cold water over his head, grunting. "Not near so fit gettin' fat too.... Rugger days are over. Wish all my other days were over too." He got out of the bath, wiped himself, put on pyjamas, brushed his teeth, then his hair, took out a pipe, and then sat beside me on the bed.

He had been, moreover, a Cambridge Rugger Blue. This fact alone should have ensured him against the customary pleasantries, for a Blue is a man to be respected. It was not only injudicious, therefore, but positively wrong of Babington to plunge against the blackboard on his way to his place.

Can you seriously expect to stop that huge force once it sweeps through Belgium? The Englishman picked up a stone and sent it hurtling across the lawn for the collie to chase. 'Ever play "Rugger"? he asked. 'Rugby? Yes. 'Then you've often seen a little chap bring a big one an awful cropper. 'That is true, but the cases are hardly parallel.

Our footer match that afternoon was against Oriel, who play soccer better than rugger, so we beat them without much trouble. Fred didn't play for them, because the captain of the 'Varsity team objected to his team playing in college matches, but he watched the game and came back to tea with me afterwards.

I played in all the 'Varsity rugger matches which were not scratched, and we finished up by beating the Wellingham Nomads after a muddy and desperate struggle. Murray was playing for the Nomads and Foster for the 'Varsity, and so many Wellingham people came round to Murray's rooms after the match that I had to hold a kind of overflow meeting in my rooms, after the manner of political gatherings.