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Updated: August 20, 2024

Partly because wheat bread has been easy to get and we have grown to like the taste, but chiefly because wheat flour gives the lightest loaf. To understand why, make a dough with a little white flour and water and then gently knead it in cold water. The consistency changes, the starch is washed out and a rubbery, sticky ball is left the gluten, which is the protein of the wheat.

Never, in the history of Beagle and Company, had there been a floorwalker who threw so much passion and zeal into his task. The very hang of his coattails, even the erect carriage of his back, the rubbery way in which his feet trod the aisles, showed his sense of dignity and glamour. There seemed to be a great tradition which enriched and upheld him. Mr.

Even the smallest runner could now be severed only with the greatest difficulty, for in its advance the weed had toughened some said because of its omnivorous diet, others, its ability to absorb nitrogen from the air and its rubbery quality caused it to yield to onslaught only to bound back, apparently uninjured, after each blow.

Over the line of heads the taut rubbery globes rode on their tethers, nodding and twisting like so many big iridescent bubbles; and half a block away, at the edge of the lot, a balloon vender, whose entire stock had been disposed of in one splendid transaction, now stood, empty-handed but full-pocketed, marveling at the stroke of luck that enabled him to take an afternoon off and rest his voice.

But Tum Tum was very strong, and, just as he had often done in the jungle, he wrapped his long, rubbery hose-like nose, or trunk, around the tree. "Here, Tum Tum, what are you doing?" called his keeper. "Umph! Umph! Wumph!" Tum Tum answered. That meant: "You just watch me, if you please, and you'll see." Then Tum Tum just pulled and pulled as hard on that tree, and up he pulled it by the roots.

And then, to the long, rubbery nose of the elephant boy, came the wild smell of other jungle animals. "Ah! Now I smell the herd!" he cried. "Now I am not lost any more! Hurray!" Of course when an elephant says "Hurray" it is different than the way you boys and girls say it. But it means the same thing. On hurried Umboo.

For some time the little lost pig rested on the cool earth, in the shade of the rows of corn. Then he got up with a grunt and a squeal, and began rooting in the ground. "Perhaps I may find some potatoes, or some pig weed, here," thought Squinty. "Who knows?" But all he could root up, with his queer, rubbery nose, was some round stones.

Digging down through the snow to the weed, they discovered it to have lost most of its rubbery qualities of resistance in dormancy, and cut with comparative ease more than four tons which were transported with the greatest difficulty to the Florida plant.

We know blamed well that, except for the most miraculous luck, you couldn't have set the plane down on this field without it slipping off again. Well there's only one answer to that: the rubbery resilience of the surface. It must have given a little to hold the plane and us when we walked on it. What does that mean? Simply that we were seen and the field made usable for us by some intelligence.

He liked them, right after his first taste. He did not look around for the little ones that might have fallen out of the hills themselves. No, instead, Squinty began rooting them out of the earth with his strong, rubbery nose, made just for digging. I am not saying Squinty did right in this. In fact he did wrong, but then he was a little pig, and he knew no better.

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