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Can you tell me, friends, where I am likely to find a fair demoiselle one Julia, daughter of Mme Veuve Gostillon? 'Voila, monsieur! cried several, much surprised. 'Our rosière is she! 'Ah, what a fate is mine! muttered the worthy commissaire, much affected, as he looked at the beautiful and rose-wreathed Julia.

As there is not a girl in the world about whom gossips have not found something to say, there was not found in all the countryside one young girl whose name was free from some scandal. But Mme. Husson desired that the "Rosiere" of Gisors, like Caesar's wife, should be above suspicion, and she was horrified, saddened and in despair at the record in her servant's housekeeping account-book.

They ate as they best could, one standing, another on a chair, one at a table, another astride on his bench, with his plate before him, "as at a ball-room supper," a dandy of the Right said laughingly, Thuriot de la Rosière, son of the regicide Thuriot. M. de Rémusat buried his head in his hands. Emile Péan said to him, "We shall get over it."

The idea of substituting a boy for a girl, a "rosier" for a "rosiere," troubled her, worried her a little, and she resolved to consult Abbe Malon. The abbe responded: "What do you desire to reward, madame? It is virtue, is it not, and nothing but virtue? What does it matter to you, therefore, if it is masculine or feminine? Virtue is eternal; it has neither sex nor country; it is 'Virtue."

Husson desired that the "Rosiere" of Gisors, like Caesar's wife, should be above suspicion, and she was horrified, saddened and in despair at the record in her servant's housekeeping account-book. They then extended their circle of inquiries to the neighboring villages; but with no satisfaction. They consulted the mayor. His candidates failed. Those of Dr.

Then Julia retired with those appointed to be her attendants her tiring-women, the ladies of her court; and when, some time after, she came forth, blushing and trembling, and with happy tears upon her face, wearing her simple holiday dress of white muslin, ornamented, in charming style, with wreaths of roses, the cries of 'Vive la rosière! might have been heard a long way off.

The custom is graceful and poetical; and the world hardly presents a more charming spectacle at once so simple and so touching as the installation of a rosière in some sequestered village of France. The associations connected with it are pure and bright enough for a Golden Age.

Every evening he plays dominoes, like any bourgeois, in a cafe near the Prefecture, and Sundays he goes out to a little box of a place he has bought near the forest of Romainville, in the Saint-Gervais meadows; there he cultivates blue dahlias, and talked, last year, of crowning a Rosiere. All that, my dear colonel, is too bucolic to allow of my employing him on any political police-work."

The piece, Esther, was performed admirably; the singing of the choir of young girls charming, and the petite piece, La Rosiere de Salency, was better still: you know it is a charming thing, and was made so touching as to draw tears from every eye. Mrs. Edgeworth writes: At the time this letter was written rumours that war would break out with England began to be prevalent in Paris. Mr.

Any irregularity before marriage made her furious, exasperated her till she was beside herself. Now, this was the period when they presented a prize as a reward of virtue to any girl in the environs of Paris who was found to be chaste. She was called a Rosiere, and Mme. Husson got the idea that she would institute a similar ceremony at Gisors.