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When the earthquake comes, however, the cottage is as much imperiled as the palace; so the events which brought Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette to the block, and sent panic into every court in Europe, also broke up and dispersed the humble house of Gostillon.

Without afflicting the reader with a recital of the agonised and indignant protestations of Julia the anger and affright of Widow Gostillon the sorrow, sympathy, and amazement of the villagers suffice it to say, that the commissaire, in the course of the morning, conducted Julia into the presence of the magistrate.

Will you be good enough to change your dress as quickly as possible, and prepare to accompany me to the office of M. Morelle, magistrate of this district? At this juncture, the Widow Gostillon was conveyed back to her cottage by some of her neighbours, with little Cecilia by her side.

The Widow Gostillon liked not her daughter's lover. Of more mature perception, of sharper skill in reading character than her child, she conceived a deep distrust of the airy smile and studied gallantry of Victor Colonne.

Before the Revolution of 1793, the name of Gostillon was familiar as a daily proverb to the people of Maisons. There were three or four branches of the family living in the neighbourhood, and well known as industrious and respectable members of the peasant class.

Mme Veuve Gostillon managed to obtain a living by cultivating a small garden the flowers and fruit from which she sold in the markets of Paris and by plying her needle. Her daughters were named Julia and Cecilia, and there was the somewhat remarkable difference of eight years between their ages.

The Meurien family, feeling deeply the injury she had suffered, gave their presence at her inauguration, and afterwards did many a friendly act for her. She is now as industrious and charming, and as much respected as ever, though no more Julia Gostillon, but Madame Vichel being the wife of a thriving herbalist of that name. As for Victor, he has not been seen at Maisons since.

But all thoughts of work were quickly banished by her eager visitors, who, touched even by the fact, that they had found her busy at the time when all were holiday-making, embraced her, praised her, bade her prepare for coronation, wept, laughed, chatted, clapped their hands, jumped, danced, and made such a bustle, that Widow Gostillon, in some consternation, cried out from her chamber to know what was the matter.

In due course the morrow came. The summer sun had not risen many hours, when troops of bright-eyed girls, lustrous with rosy cheeks, braided hair, snow-white gowns, and streaming ribbons, went, tripping beneath the trees, towards the cottage of Widow Gostillon.

Can you tell me, friends, where I am likely to find a fair demoiselle one Julia, daughter of Mme Veuve Gostillon? 'Voila, monsieur! cried several, much surprised. 'Our rosière is she! 'Ah, what a fate is mine! muttered the worthy commissaire, much affected, as he looked at the beautiful and rose-wreathed Julia.