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I am of opinion that, unassisted by further evidence, the Ricordo, in spite of its date, will not bear out Gotti's view that Michelangelo sought Venice on a privy mission at the end of August 1529.

She did call again two or three times, never announcing her name; then she did not reappear. She might be Madame Duval I can't say. "'But did you never hear his Excellency speak of the real Duval after that time? "'No non mi ricordo I don't remember. "'Nor of some living Madame Marigny, though the real one was dead?

Whether they really knew nothing about it, or whether it was a "Non mi ricordo," determined on as a piece of policy, I do not know. But this I do know, that since 1817, and possibly before, no naval officer has mentioned Nolan in his report of a cruise. But, as I say, there is no need for secrecy any longer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I propose to relate some curious adventures which befell me and my wife Peggy the other day, but as I am troubled with a complaint called 'Non mi ricordo, or the 'Can't remembers, I shall want each of you to tell me what you sell; therefore, when I stop and look at one of you, you must be brisk in recommending your goods.

A Ricordo given in Lettere, p. 598, says: "I record how, some days ago, Piero di Filippo Gondi asked to enter the new sacristy at San Lorenzo to hide there certain goods of his because of the peril in which we now find ourselves. This evening of the 29th of April, 1527, he has begun to bring in certain bundles.

Whether they really knew nothing about it, or whether it was a "Non mi ricordo," determined on as a piece of policy I do not know. But this I do know, that since 1817, and possibly before, no naval officer has mentioned Nolan in his report of a cruise. But, as I say, there is no need for secrecy any longer.

Trusting you as an honorable gentleman, I am going to ask you to do something for me, which may be of service to my patient; and I ask it, because I have unlimited faith in your skill. Find out who 'Ricordo' is." "Why? I must thoroughly understand the import of whatever I undertake, and if your reasons are too sacred to be communicated to me, you must select some other agent.

To-day forest, stream, earth and sky, appeared branded with one fatal word, as if the world's wide page held only "Ricordo! Ricordo!"

They seemed to think the answer a very good joke. "If that is all, you may go, and the devil accompany you. What say you, Gaetano?" Then they laughed again. "Take that chain and brooch as a ricordo just for a souvenir," said Gaetano, who then himself tore off the ornaments while the other held Faustina's hands.

For some while after Leo gave him his liberty, he seems to have remained comparatively inactive. During this period the sacristy at S. Lorenzo and the Medicean tombs were probably in contemplation. Giovanni Cambi says that they were begun at the end of March 1520. But we first hear something definite about them in a Ricordo which extends from April 9 to August 19, 1521.