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We cannot, however, follow the poet through all his pleadings and witty appeals and remonstrances, until at last in despairing jest he commends "the gray horse Auld Dunbar" to his Majesty, and draws or seems to draw at last a consolatory reply, which is thus recorded at the end of the poem under the title of "Responsio Regis."

And he wrote in the margin abreast of it: "RESPONSIO MORTIFERA." Fatal answer. Yes, all present knew that it was, indeed, a fatal answer. Then there fell a silence such as falls in a sick-room when the watchers of the dying draw a deep breath and say softly one to another, "All is over."

In the year 1592 a pamphlet had been published on the Continent in Latin and English, Responsio ad Edictum Reginæ Angliæ, with reference to the severe legislation which followed on the Armada, making such charges against the Queen and the Government as it was natural for the Roman Catholic party to make, and making them with the utmost virulence and unscrupulousness.

Hereupon he put his spectacles on his nose, and began to cross-question her, during near four hours, from a paper which he held in his hand. These were the main articles, as far as we both can remember: Quaestio. Whether she could bewitch? Responsio. No; she knew nothing of witchcraft. Q. Whether she could charm? R. Of that she knew as little. Q. Whether she had ever been on the Blocksberg?

Many there were stirred; every man that was a man was stirred, whether friend or foe; and Manchon risked his life again, good soul, for he wrote in the margin of the record in good plain letters these brave words: "Superba responsio!" and there they have remained these sixty years, and there you may read them to this day. "Superba responsio!" Yes, it was just that.

Prieriatis responsio, still he never was diverted by this necessary rebuttal from his paramount duty, the edification of the congregation.

But we must hasten on now; for Raleigh is out of prison in September, and by the next spring in parliament speaking wisely and well, especially on his fixed idea, war with Spain, which he is rewarded for forthwith in Father Parson's 'Andreae Philopatris Responsio' by a charge of founding a school of Atheism for the corruption of young gentlemen; a charge which Lord Chief-Justice Popham, Protestant as he is, will find it useful one day to recollect.

If any one thinks that classical studies of themselves cultivate the taste and the sentiments, let him look into Salmasius's Responsio.

Once more the scribe has written on his margin the words Responsio Johannae superba the proud answer of Jeanne. Her raised head, her expanded breast, something of a splendour of indignation about her, must have moved the man, thus for the third time to send down to us his distinctly human impression of the worn out prisoner before her judges.

Treatise on the Passion of Chrift. Godly Meditation. Devout Prayer. Letters while in the Tower, all printed 1557. Progymnasmata. Responsio ad Convitia Martini Lutheri, 1523. Quod pro Fide Mors fugienda non est, written in the Tower 1534. Precationes ex Psalmis. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of SURRY Was son of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, and Elizabeth, daughter of Edward, duke of Buckingham.