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Smith, Martin Jaffry spends all his evenings up at Remingtons' since they're back from their honeymoon? Why, he was telling me only last night it's for the joy of seeing that new little niece of his lording it over her well-oiled little household, where a few extra dropping in makes not one whit of difference."

We were shot at repeatedly, and sometimes heavily, by bands of fugitives, but we never drew rein, using lance and sword upon all who showed fight. In that draw we made 1000 prisoners, breaking the Remingtons of those who had rifles and sending our captives under escort of a squadron to the Sirdar.

At the very setting forth I was pleasantly stirred when at the limit of the town a squad of soldiers halted us and demanded our passports. This was my first encounter with the government troops. They were barefooted and most slovenly looking soldiers, mere boys in age and armed with old-fashioned Remingtons.

Doctor Fleming and Gregory joined him and, all cheering to encourage the Soudanese, made a determined stand. Gregory and Zaki kept up a steady fire with their Remingtons, and picked off several of the most determined of their assailants.

There were laid down by the Spaniards about 12,000 Mausers and Remingtons, and there were 10,000 in the arsenals 22,000 in all.

The Remingtons believed they saw a demand for the machine and offered to buy the patents, paying either a lump sum, or a royalty. It is said that Sholes preferred the ready cash and received twelve thousand dollars, while Densmore chose the royalty and received a million and a half. The telegraph, the press, and the typewriter are agents of communication for the written word.

I want to go, and therefore I do not stand on the order of going." Later, General Hunter gave Gregory an order, for a passage in a steamer on which the correspondents of the various newspapers were going down. "What shall we take, master?" Zaki asked. "Just the clothes we stand in, Zaki. I have got a couple of the Dervish Remingtons, and several packets of ammunition.

Betty looked, and looked again and turned on him petulantly: "What foolishness are you up to now, Penfield Evans!" she whispered energetically. "Why under the sun did you drag me out to see Emelene and Alys Brewster-Smith dining with the Remingtons?

Remington had been found out, and though there had been Remingtons in the school since Anne's reign, Corker was inexorable. He was expelled. In a word, Acton determined to go to London and to take young Bourne with him, and so risk certain expulsion for both, supposing they were discovered. He had no intention of being expelled, though; for he liked the life at St.

Prison it certainly was, for sentries, armed with Remingtons, herded us like sheep. The three weeks' detention came to an end, as everything earthly does, and then an open barge, towed by a steam-launch, conveyed us to Montevideo. Quite a fresh breeze was blowing, and during our eleven hours' journey we were repeatedly drenched with spray.