Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 6, 2024

Less area for crop will be required, working expenses will be reduced, a greater out-turn, and a more certain crop secured, and all classes, planter and ryot alike, will be benefited. Parewah factory. A 'Bobbery Pack. Hunt through a village after a cat. The pariah dog of India. Fate of 'Pincher. Rampore hound. Persian greyhound. Caboolee dogs. A jackal hunt. Incidents of the chase.

Some of the local shawls, however, or "Rampore chudders," were beautifully fine and delicate, and seemed worthy of inspection. Reached Umballa at eight A.M., and started again shortly after. Our horses to-day were most miserable caricatures, and it was with difficulty we managed to progress at all.

Like their small hands and their erect air of free-men, the Rajput atmosphere, it had grown into their created being, like the hunting instinct of a Rampore hound. The merchant, smoking his hookah, having eaten, observed with keen satisfaction the evening devotions of the supposed mendicants.

There was the sound of a gentle chuckle from the glacis where Learoyd lay. "'E expects to get 'is C'mission some day," explained Orth'ris; "Gawd 'elp the Mess that 'ave to put their 'ands into the same kiddy as 'im! Wot time d'you make it, sir? Fower! Mulvaney 'll be out in 'arf an hour. You don't want to buy a dorg, sir, do you? A pup you can trust 'arf Rampore by the Colonel's grey'ound."

By his commander and his fellow-soldiers he was always addressed by his title of Nawab Sahib!" The small-pox was committing dreadful ravages in Rampore and its neighbourhood; and though vaccination was performed gratis at Bareilly, the fatalist prejudices of the natives, even of those of rank and education, prevented them from availing themselves of the boon.

So striking seemed the fulfilment viewed from the Hindu standpoint, that some hundreds in the city of Rampore were led to a faith in Christ as an avatar of Vishnu. A remarkable illustration of a felt want of something brighter and more hopeful is seen in the legends and predictions of the Teutonic and Norse religions.

The need for a dispensary and hospital became daily more imperative, and it was opportunely met in the munificent gift of the Nawab of Rampore, who owned an estate adjoining the mission premises in Bareilly. The Hon. Mr.

Thomas then asked permission to found the first hospital for women in India in His Highness's name, to which he replied, 'As you think proper, so do. So His Highness Mahomed Kallub Ali Khan, Bahadur, Nawab of Rampore, has the honor of making the first generous contribution toward founding the first woman's hospital in India.

"Behaving himself, I hope, ma'am, out there in the sun by the gate." "Call him. He shall have a bone on the veranda. I want him to feel as friendly here as you do." Tom whistled shrilly and an ash-hued creature, part Great Dane and certainly part Rampore, came up the path like a catapulted phantom, making hardly any sound.

The Maharajah of Bulrampore sent sixty-five catching elephants, and five koonkies or fighting elephants, among which was a famous warrior named Chand Moorut. Along with these came a body of men trained to that special work. A good contingent also came from Rampore.

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