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Sorrow is a great purifier, and you will come out all the better for your trial. You are yet young, and though you never can love as you have loved, a second time, your heart is not utterly seared." "Utterly, sir," echoed Leonard, "utterly." "You think so, now," rejoined the physician. "But you will find it otherwise hereafter.

An ambassador for Christ above all things like Paul, but, also like him, becoming all things to all men that he might win some to the higher life, Carey was successively, and often at the same time, a captain of labour, a schoolmaster, a printer, the developer of the vernacular speech, the expounder of the classical language, the translator of both into English and of the English Bible into both, the founder of a pure literature, the purifier of society, the watchful philanthropist, the saviour of the widow and the fatherless, of the despairing and the would-be suicide, of the downtrodden and oppressed.

Some of the latter were busy washing garments so dirty, that the dirty water of old Father Thames seemed quite a suitable purifier. "Gillie," cried one of the younger women referred to, wiping the soap-suds from her red arms, "come here, you bad, naughty boy. W'ere 'ave you bin? I want you to mind baby."

They crossed over to the reef, where, as usual, he divested himself of clothing. It was strange that out here he would go about stark naked, yet on the island he always wore some covering. But not so strange, perhaps, after all. The sea is a great purifier, both of the mind and the body; before that great sweet spirit people do not think in the same way as they think far inland.

Rubber bands make the joints air-tight. The base is stood bottom upwards in a larger tin containing an inch and a half of water. On its way the gas is deprived of any water and of any traces of tar. The condensed water and tar fall from the open ends of the pipes into the base. The Purifier is made of a large tin with overlapping lid.

It is plain, however, that Siva was not formerly feared in India, but next to Vishnu was the best beloved of all their gods. Siva was originally the androgyne god who was not only the Destroyer, but the beneficent Regenerator and purifier. It was the cold of winter and the heat of the sun.

This is but one branch of general knowledge, and a very secondary one compared with that infinitely higher branch which treats of the workings of the Almighty in the ocean; workings which render it what it is not merely a means of commercial enterprise for man and a home for fish, but also a great purifier and revivifier of the earth and sweetener of the atmosphere.

If you will look at facts, what you will find is this: -that all sins and bad habits fill the soul with evil humours, just as a fever or any other severe disease fills the body; and that, as in the case of a fever, those evil humours remain after the acute disease is past, and are but too apt to break out again, to cause relapses, to torment the poor patient, perhaps to leave his character crippled and disfigured all his life certainly to require long and often severe treatment by the heavenly physician, Christ, the purifier as well as the redeemer of our sin-sick souls.

"Yes, and then a third, and a thirteenth, and we must keep our mass-money ready in our mouths, for we are walking over our open coffins all the time." "Hark ye, my good friend," said the purifier, taking his plug out of his mouth, "I fancy your ship carries something besides wheat." Master Fabula looked askance at the purifier under his hood, and shrugged his shoulders. "What's that to me?

He knew where to find the aromatic spice-bush to cool the burning of fever, and where in the spring grew the tenderest willow twigs whose bark went into cures for rheumatism. Sassafras yielded its savory roots for tea and tonics, and the purplish red pokeberry supplied a valuable blood purifier. So he harvested the woods for others, at the same time finding for himself health and contentment.