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Updated: September 20, 2024

"Those two will shore be out of luck when they get in among the stubs," he thought to himself, as he waited for his strength to come back. But youth recovers quickly and Racey was young. It may be that the lead that was being sent at him and Molly Dale was a potent revivifier.

I felt the pungent revivifier in Dr. Pettit's hand steal under my nostrils again, but I pushed it aside and sat up. "I am not at all faint," I said abruptly, and then to Katherine Sonnot. "Please say that over again, slowly." She repeated her words slowly. "I should have waited to come over with him," she added, "for he is still quite weak, but Dr.

Prob'ly he's goin' to die on our hands 'twould be just like his unmerciful nerve. Pass me that bottle of ammonia, Zeke. "Then Keno hollered for me. He'd pried the Majoress' mouth open, stuck a cork in to it keep it so, and then fed her the revivifier. She wasn't a handsome woman at the best, but with that cork in her mouth !

He then commanded that all the gods who had any knowledge of magical spells should come to him, and when they came, Isis, the great lady of spells, the destroyer of diseases, and the revivifier of the dead, came with them.

This is but one branch of general knowledge, and a very secondary one compared with that infinitely higher branch which treats of the workings of the Almighty in the ocean; workings which render it what it is not merely a means of commercial enterprise for man and a home for fish, but also a great purifier and revivifier of the earth and sweetener of the atmosphere.

I thought, in my folly, that I could break my fast on a swig of what had seemed to me, only the night before, the best revivifier and sustenance possible. In the harsh dawn it turned out to be nothing but a bitter and intolerable vinegar.

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