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Indignity and defeat were symbolized by its overrunning; it was an arrogant defiance, an outrageous challenge offered to every man happening by. But the grass was not satisfied with this irreverence: it was already making demands on curbing and gutter. "Junior, youve got a story now. W R fired three copyboys and a proofreader he was so mad at himself. Here."

The woman of the-house is now making soup for us out of the beans, the onions and the noodles. She has also produced a little grated Parmesan cheese from somewhere. Four-twenty p.m. That was the best soup I ever tasted, even if it was full of typographical errors from the jumbling together of the little alphabet noodles. Still, nobody but a proofreader could have found fault with that.

The first issue of the Overland was well received, but the second sounded a note heard round the world. The editor contributed a story "The Luck of Roaring Camp" that was hailed as a new venture in literature. It was so revolutionary that it shocked an estimable proofreader, and she sounded the alarm. The publishers were timid, but the gentle editor was firm.

The proofreader can easily compare both versions, note the differences and fix them. OCR is usually 99% accurate, which makes for about 10 corrections a page. The proofreader saves each page as it is completed and can then either stop work or do another. The books are proofread twice, and the second time only by experienced proofreaders.

For him to descend from the firmament of metaphor, to the plain prose of George Street and Paternoster Row for him, Mr North inspects boxes of Balaam, with the patience of a proofreader, and deciphers pages of wit and pathos with the perseverance of a Champollion.

At the age of three years and four months, a maternal uncle, who, having been a proofreader of Abyssinian dialect stories for a ladies' magazine, was considered a literary prophet, foretold that I " "Help! Wait! Stop! "'Oh, skip your dear uncle! the bellman exclaimed, And impatiently tinkled his bell." Her companion promptly capped her verse: "'I skip forty years, said the baker in tears,"

As the proofreader and Senor Ignacio met at the entrance they exchanged looks and then averted their glance; the two mothers, on the other hand, glared at each other in terrible hatred. Senor Ignacio arranged that they should not sleep at the Corralon but in Aguila Street. In that place, at the home of Senora Jacoba, there was a horrible confusion of weeping and cursing.

His father was a cooper, his mother a cook; and Pierre Joseph, in spite of his thirst for knowledge, had to devote himself to hard work, instead of completing his studies; he became a proofreader in some printing works at Besançon, and as a journeyman printer wandered all through France. Having returned to Besançon, he entered the printing house again as a factor.

On May 1st, 2008, 13,039 books were completed, 1,840 books were in progress and 1,000 books were being proofread. The proofreader can easily compare both versions, note the differences and fix them. OCR is usually 99% accurate, which makes for about 10 corrections a page. The proofreader saves each page as it is completed and can then either stop work or do another.

My first impulse was to rush into the dining hall, at breakfast, Waving the sheets, and calling "John" to account for his theft, before everybody ... then I bethought myself that, perhaps, some mistake had been made ... that the proofreader might have left my name out. Spalton looked up quickly as I passed by his table. He read in my face that I had already discovered what he had done. He blushed.