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"Jane, if you will remember, he ran away himself; and you know that now I gladly would receive him: we are all prodigal sons together, and if God can bear with us, Jane, we ought to look kindly on each other." "Ha! that's always the way with old sinners like you canting hypocrites! Be a man, General Tracy, if you can, and talk sense.

Do you wonder that no one tenders you the affection which you do not merit, since you prefer your money to everything else? "What therefore do you persuade me to? That I should lead the life of Naevius, or in such a manner as a Nomentanus?" When I bid you not be a miser, I do not order you to become a debauchee or a prodigal.

When prodigal children go away from the father's house, sometimes a broken-hearted parent will keep the boy's room just as it used to be when he was young and pure, and will hope and weary through long days for him to come back and occupy it again. God is keeping a room for you in His house; do you see that you fill it.

"So," said Faber, "on consultation with this excellent creature for my poor nephew is so broken down by repentance, that others must think for him how to exalt repentance into reform my plans were determined. I shall remove my prodigal from all scenes of temptation. He has youth, strength, plenty of energy, hitherto misdirected. I shall take him from the Old World into the New.

They had taken office when they were full of mighty aspirations; they had poured forth measures of all sorts with prodigal vigour; and at last they were reduced to wait, supine and helpless, for the inevitable swing of the political pendulum.

When we sin we may wrong others much, we may wrong ourselves more, but we wrong God most of all; and we shall never recover Christ's thought of sin until, like the psalmist and the prodigal, we have learned to cry to Him, "Against Thee have I sinned, and done that which is evil in Thy sight." But sin, in Christ's view of it, is not merely something a man does, it is what he is.

Shall not the Father do his best to find his prodigal? the good shepherd to find his lost sheep? The angels in his presence know the Father, and watch for the prodigal. Thou shalt be comforted.

Richard" soon came to be regarded as a martyr to circumstances, a man conscious of his own imperfections, and one whose imperfections were therefore lightly dwelt upon. So the returned prodigal had his own suite of rooms, his own servants, his own bank account, drank, smoked, and was merry. For five or six months he thought himself in Paradise. Then he began to find his life insufferably weary.

Woodward said something about Charley's misconduct, and this threw her into a wretched state of misery, from which nothing would rouse her till her mother promised that the prodigal should not be thrown over and abandoned. Poor Mrs. Woodward was in a dreadful state of doubt as to what it now behoved her to do.

"The prodigal came home to his father, Harry." "So he did, but I have my doubts whether he stayed." There was a silence. Bessie had always believed in the prodigal as a good son after his repentance. Any liberty of speculation as concerning Scripture gave her pause; it was a new thing at Beechhurst and at Brook. Young Musgrave furled over the pages of his book.