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Updated: August 1, 2024

It had come yesterday; and Patty, brushing her hair before the glass, guessed from whom. She did not answer. "He is at Lincoln; he has gone to try for the precentorship of the cathedral," Hetty announced. "You know perfectly well that we do not correspond. I have too much principle." "I know, dear," sighed Hetty, with her eyes fixed meditatively upon her sister's somewhat angular back.

The office of precentor of the cathedral is, as your Lordship is aware, joined to that of the warden; that is to say, the precentor has for many years been the warden of the hospital; there is, however, nothing to make the junction of the two offices necessary, and, unless you or the dean and chapter object to such an arrangement, I would wish to keep the precentorship.

Was his whole life to be shown up as a useless sham a second time? would he have to abdicate his precentorship, as he had his wardenship, and to give up chanting, as he had given up his twelve old bedesmen? And what if he did! Some other Jupiter, some other Mr Slope, would come and turn him out of St Cuthbert's.

Since his appointment to his precentorship, he has published, with all possible additions of vellum, typography, and gilding, a collection of our ancient church music, with some correct dissertations on Purcell, Crotch, and Nares. He has greatly improved the choir of Barchester, which, under his dominion, now rivals that of any cathedral in England.

Would he have to abdicate his precentorship, as he had his wardenship, and to give up chanting, as he had given up his twelve old bedesmen? And what if he did! Some other Jupiter, some other Mr. Slope, would come and turn him out of St. Cuthbert's. Surely he could not have been wrong all his life in chanting the litany as he had done! He began, however, to have his doubts. Doubting himself was Mr.

"I haven't a sixpence, Sir Abraham," said the warden. "God bless me! Why, Mr Harding, how do you mean to live?" Mr Harding proceeded to explain to the man of law that he meant to keep his precentorship, that was eighty pounds a year; and, also, that he meant to fall back upon his own little living of Crabtree, which was another eighty pounds.

Theophilus Grantly, son of the bishop, archdeacon of Barchester, and rector of Plumstead Episcopi, and a few months after her marriage her father became precentor of Barchester Cathedral. The younger daughter, Eleanor, was twenty-four years of age. Now there are peculiar circumstances connected with the precentorship which must be explained.

John, it cannot be that you cannot be playing so cruel a trick for that and after your promise? Forgive me if I am selfish: but think what I am fighting for!" "It will cost me the precentorship," answered he slowly, "but I hadn't given a thought to that." "It shall cost you nothing of the kind. After all, father is juster to others than to me.

Now there are peculiar circumstances connected with the precentorship which must be explained.

Touching the precentorship, the bishop was clearly of opinion that it could be held without the other situation, an opinion from which no one differed; and it was therefore soon settled among all the parties concerned, that Mr Harding should still be the precentor of the cathedral.

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