United States or Nicaragua ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His hopes are usually in nubibus, and his expectations in the paulo post futurum tense. Montesinos. His state is the more gracious then because his enjoyment is always to come. It is however a real satisfaction to me that there is some sunshine in your prospect. Sir Thomas More.

As you say, it is not likely; but it is possible. Therefore, of course, we should have to be at hand, to carry orders. Of course, if he takes his post at the pagoda it will be all right; though the betting is that we shall have to gallop off, just at the most interesting moment." Presently the two officers left the general. The latter's bell rang, and Stanley went in. "You saw the colonel, Mr.

In September, 1780, its walls resounded with the tones of the musket, by the same people, who "knew their rights, and knowing, dared maintain." At this period, there was no printing press in the upper country of Carolina, and as no regular post traversed this region, a newspaper was seldom seen among the people.

Poor girl! with her poverty-stricken home, her drunken father lately dismissed from his post, and her evident inclination towards this clever young fellow now employed in the house Daphne rejoiced to think of what money could do, in this case at least; of the reward that should be waiting for the girl's devotion when the moment came; of the gifts already made, and the gratitude already evoked.

Crimson of face, Tommy left his lookout. Frank following, he ran round the barn and burst into the midst of the feasters. A wild scattering ensued. Cackling and squawking, the valiant Pete led the retreat through the corn. Face still flushed, Tommy came back to his post and poked his gun through the knothole. And once more, after a very brief interval, here came Pete.

He was not at home, and I was obliged to leave the poems, I suppose with some sort of note, for the next morning's post brought me a delicious letter from him, all one cry of confession, the most complete, the most ample.

"Call in and see me any time you're in this direction," said the well-shooter, as he shook hands at parting with Mr. Post and the boys. "I will," replied the miner, "when you've gone into the grocery business or taken an agency for a life insurance company. Otherwise it's too risky."

"And at the same time they are pouring into our country in droves by way of the Mexican frontier," mumbled the American colonel, who was on his way back to his post, from his seat beside the captain. "That leaves only the islands of the Pacific, the Philippines, and perhaps Australia," continued the Shanghai merchant undisturbed.

She spoke with less assurance. "And yet you might have been a wealthy man if you had only persevered. Manager to that large diamond establishment what better can a man wish for? What a post of trust and respect! I suppose you will be like your father; like him, you are getting weary of doing well." "No," said her son, "I am not weary of that, though I am weary of what you mean by it.

The latter, who had given out the hymn, was a man of very different caliber. He was tall, pale, and thin, and his long black coat hung on him as if it were on a post. When the hymn was finished; and everyone sat down, Yates, and those with him, found seats as best they could at the end near the door.