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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Sir," murmured Peterby, and coming forward, took that extended hand, looking down at Barnabas joyful-eyed, and would have spoken, yet uttered no other word. "John," said Barnabas, glancing round the faded splendors of the bed-chamber, "where am I, pray?" "At Ashleydown, sir." "Ashleydown?" repeated Barnabas, wrinkling his brow. "Sir, you have been very ill."

"Excellent!" laughed Peterby, nodding his head, "but the doctor, sir " "Doctor!" cried Barnabas, with a snort, "what do I want with doctors? I'm well, John. Bring me my clothes." "Clothes, sir!" exclaimed Peterby, aghast. "Impossible, sir! No, no!" "Yes, yes, John I'm going to get up." "But, sir " "This very moment! My clothes, John, my clothes!" "Indeed, sir, I "

"Sir," said Peterby, shaking his head, "I have never known you doubt yourself or fortune till now!" "It never occurred to me, John."

"Certainly, Bo'sun," said Peterby; and, to the Gentleman-in-Powder, his bow was impressive; "pray step this way." So the Bo'sun, treading as softly as his wooden leg would allow, stumped after him upstairs and along a thickly carpeted corridor, to a certain curtained door upon which Peterby gently knocked, and thereafter opening, motioned the Bo'sun to enter.

Peterby stopped suddenly, and his head sank lower; but as he stood Barnabas rose, and coming to him, took his hand into his own firm clasp. "Thank you, John Peterby," said he. "You may be the best valet in the world I hope you are but I know that you are a man, and, as a man, I tell you that I have decided upon going on with the adventure." "Then I cannot hope to dissuade you, sir?" "No, John!"

Still, if I might be permitted to toy with an egg and discuss a dish of tea, the honor would be mine, sirs would be mine!" Then, while Peterby hastened to set the edibles before him, Barnabas drew up a chair and, with many bows and flutterings of the thin, restless hands, the little gentleman sat down.

In that delightful book, "The Arabian Nights' Entertainments," one may read of Spirits good, and bad, and indifferent; of slaves of lamps, of rings and amulets, and talismanic charms; and of the marvels and wonders they performed. But never did Afrit, Djinn, or Genie perform greater miracles than steady-eyed, soft-voiced Peterby.

"Sir, said the fugitive, hoarsely, but with a new light in his face," for that, if I were not your servant I should like to clasp your hand; and, sir, my name is John Peterby." "Why, then," said Barnabas, smiling all at once, "why then, John Peterby, here it is!"

At this moment Peterby entered the yard, deep in converse with a slim, gentleman-like person, whose noble cravat immediately attracted the attention of the Marquis. "By the way," pursued the Captain, "we three are dining together at my club; may I have a cover laid for you, Mr. Beverley?"

By the way, my name is Peterby Paul, and I'm well and fav'rably knowed about this mounting. I did have my thoughts about you, same as that Whosis, I must say. But you 'pear to be all right. Wait, and I'll bring ye down a couple of cans of gasoline, and you can go on and pick up the feller that's started to walk to Ridgeton." "But that poor creature I followed up here, Mr. Paul? We must find her."

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