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"Oh, lots of things!" said Polly, perching in her lap. "First first of all, I wish that I could keep you here forever and forever, darling Marraine!" "Well, you have me for six weeks every summer," laughed Marraine. "But that isn't forever and forever," sighed Polly. "And mamma and dad and grandmamma and everybody else want you, too."

Vassily Ivanovitch went from Arkady's room to his study, and perching on the sofa at his son's feet, he was looking forward to having a chat with him; but Bazarov at once sent him away, saying he was sleepy, and did not fall asleep till morning.

As far as Tom could see along the line in either direction this shell-torn area was being crossed by hundreds of boys in khaki holding fixed bayonets, some going ahead of the tanks and some perching on them. Above him the whole district seemed to be in pandemonium, men shouting and their voices drowned by the thunder of artillery.

Yet what is more certain to every observant field-naturalist than that this alleged uselessness of colouring is one of the greatest protections to the young bird, imperfect in its flight, perching on every spray, sitting unwarily on every bush through which the rays of sunshine dapple every bough to the colour of its own plumage, and so give it a facility of escape which it would utterly want if it bore the marked and prominent colours, the beauty of which the adult bird needs to recommend him to his mate, and can safely bear with his increased habits of vigilance and power of wing?

That is very funny, too But at that moment, the big yellow cock, who had been gravely stalking towards her, jumped upon her breast. 'Get away with you, Alexander! get away! she cried. 'What a tiresome creature he is! The idea of his perching himself on me You are too rough, sir, and you scratch me with your claws. Do you hear me?

The feet are not only altogether bird-like, but have the special characters of the feet of perching birds, while the body had a clothing of true feathers. Nevertheless, in some other respects, Archæopteryx is unlike a bird and like a reptile. There is a long tail composed of many vertebræ.

The people of Nias think that, when a tree dies, its liberated spirit becomes a demon, which can kill a coco-nut palm by merely lighting on its branches, and can cause the death of all the children in a house by perching on one of the posts that support it.

The first bird that Nat spied after they left the meadows was perching on the topmost wire of a fence by the roadside. Every once in a while he darted into the air, snapped up an insect, and returned to the same perch on the wire whence he had started.

And the greatest miracle of modern times is that after twenty-four years of marriage you should be able to give me pleasure by perching your stout body on the arm of my chair as you are doing." "Arthur, I'm not stout." "Yes, you are. You're enormous. But hang it, I'm such a morbid fool I like you enormous." Mrs.

Two weeks now you have perched oh a porch perched and sat, and nothing more. Dawdle and dream and foozle over your musty old books. Yah! Highbrow!" "Little do you wot; but I do more ah, far more! than perching on this porch." "What do you do? Mope and mowl? If so, mowl for us. I never saw anybody mowl. Or does one hear people when they mowl?" "Naturally it wouldn't occur to you but I think.