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The slighter variations in the state of the blood produce equally sure, though less palpable effects. Whenever its vitality is impaired by breathing an atmosphere so vitiated as not to produce the proper degree of oxygenation, the blood can only afford an imperfect stimulus to the brain.

At the nativity of the child it deposits the placenta or gills, and by expanding its lungs acquires more plentiful oxygenation from the currents of air, which it must now continue perpetually to respire to the end of its life; as it now quits the liquid element, in which it was produced, and like the tadpole, when it changes into a frog, becomes an aerial animal.

From this analogy of the production of vegetable buds without a mother, I contend that the mother does not contribute to the formation of the living ens in animal generation, but is necessary only for supplying its nutriment and oxygenation.

The pure oxygen treatment has certainly performed many cures; yet, when compared to the mechanical mixture and under the direct control of the will, at all times and seasons, there is no danger from excessive oxygenation as while oxygen is given.

And if it be not the quantity of feed, I know no clear reason why chalk and limestone trout should be so much larger and better flavoured than any others. At those times his blood seems to require a very rapid oxygenation, and he goes to the 'sharps' to obtain it: but when he is feeding and fattening, the water cannot be too still for him.

I conceive that the vessels between the bud and the leaf communicate or inosculate; and that the bud is thus served with vegetable blood, that is, with both nutriment and oxygenation, till the death of the parent-leaf in autumn. And in this respect it differs from the fetus of viviparous animals.

When the embryon has produced a placenta, and furnished itself with vessels for selection of nutritious particles, and for oxygenation of them, no great change in its form or colour is likely to be produced by the particles of sustenance it now takes from the fluid, in which it is immersed; because it has now acquired organs to alter or new combine them.

The occurrence of the disease is favoured, and its features are aggravated, by imperfect oxygenation of the blood as the result of a deficiency of fresh air and sunlight, want of exercise, and by other conditions which prevail in the slums of large towns. Pathological Anatomy.

The third degree of oxygenation changes these into the species of acids distinguished by the termination in ic, as the nitric and sulphuric acids; and, lastly, we can express a fourth or higher degree of oxygenation by adding the word oxygenated to the name of the acid, as has already been done with oxygenated muriatic acid."

But the manner of accomplishing this cannot be unfolded with sufficient delicacy for the public eye; but may be worth the attention of those, who are seriously interested in the procreation of a male or female child. Recapitulation. A certain quantity of nutritive particles are produced by the female parent before impregnation, which require no further digestion, secretion, or oxygenation.