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I conceive that the vessels between the bud and the leaf communicate or inosculate; and that the bud is thus served with vegetable blood, that is, with both nutriment and oxygenation, till the death of the parent-leaf in autumn. And in this respect it differs from the fetus of viviparous animals.

But it does not suggest the yet more important fact, that the divisions and subdivisions thus arising do not remain separate, but now and again reunite in direct and indirect ways. They inosculate; they severally send off and receive connecting growths; and the intercommunion has been ever becoming more frequent, more intricate, more widely ramified.

The actual point of confluence of these two rivers, the Chobe and the Leeambye, is ill defined, on account of each dividing into several branches as they inosculate; but when the whole body of water collects into one bed, it is a goodly sight for one who has spent many years in the thirsty south.

Eggs of fowls which are not fecundated, contain only the nutriment for the embryon. The embryon is produced by the male, and the nutriment by the female. Animalcula in semine. Profusion of nature's births. 2. Vegetables viviparous. Buds and bulbs have each a father but no mother. Vessels of the leaf and bud inosculate. The paternal offspring exactly resembles the parent. 3.