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The Democratic party had its origin and its early growth in the cry against the overshadowing influence of the Presidential office going so far in their denunciations as to declare that it was aping royalty in its manners and copying monarchy in its prerogatives.

The scenery of Skeltdom or, shall we say, the kingdom of Transpontus? had a prevailing character. A botanist could tell it by the plants. The hollyhock was all pervasive, running wild in deserts; the dock was common, and the bending reed; and overshadowing these were poplar, palm, potato tree, and QUERCUS SKELTICA brave growths.

This lady, however, entered heartily into the antipathies of her husband's family, and being of masculine spirit, with an uncommon genius for public affairs, helped more than any Butler had ever done to humble the overshadowing house of which she was born.

Max, walking up the aisle, looked at the dark walls; Max modern, critical looked up at the wondrous rose window, and felt the overshadowing power of superhuman things. The modern world crumbled before the impassive silence, criticism found no challenge in its brooding spirit, for the mind cannot analyze what it cannot measure.

I intend sending M. Barraillier to Port Jarvis very soon, to penetrate into the interior from thence, if Col. Paterson is not advised to prevent it." From this it will plainly be seen how completely the colonists had given themselves up to the dominion of the overshadowing range that stayed their western progress.

But the squire's farm was degraded by many old-fashioned notions, and concessions to the whim of the eye, which would not be found in model farms nowadays, large tangled hedgerows, which, though they constitute one of the beauties most picturesque in old England, make sad deductions from produce; great trees, overshadowing the corn and harbouring the birds; little patches of rough sward left to waste; and angles of woodland running into fields, exposing them to rabbits and blocking out the sun.

This interesting place is lit with smoky old lamps and flaring torches, and the fitful light shows weird pictures to our unaccustomed eyes. Each booth is in charge of one or more women, and here and there is a man resplendent in overshadowing sombrero, with heavy silver braid wound about the crown.

There were no overshadowing trees here, and what small glimmer of light came from the dull skies found reflection on river and rocks, so that we could perceive each other, and gain dim view of our surroundings. Of the canoe there was absolutely no trace, and, if arms had been hidden there also, they had likewise disappeared.

Once there, it grew with every second of attentive gazing, overshadowing every other supposition irresistible triumphant ferocious. "What an ass I was to think I could have missed him!" he said to himself. "He was exposed en plein the fool for quite a couple of seconds."

An octagon room, with a vaulted ceiling, without windows but lighted by a skylight; walls, ceiling, and floors faced with peach-coloured marble; a black marble canopy, like a pall, with twisted columns in the solid but pleasing Elizabethan style, overshadowing a vase-like bath of the same black marble this was what he saw before him.